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  1. #76
    Congratulations on a great build! I have a similar overall mod set up and love it.

    I'd recommend getting rid of the runflats, especially with your new-found rear wheel torque. In addition to terrible traction and increased stiffness they also give you about 25 lbs more in rotating mass.

  2. #77
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Montgomery Texas
    Tune will help a lot. Have KP do it, they did my old gen 3 after I did my headers and before tune I made 460 and after I made 498 through 3.73 gears.

  3. #78
    Coming along good! Now you just need some Hyper Black Sidewinder II wheels and Super Sports!

  4. #79
    Join Date
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    Spring TX
    Quote Originally Posted by FLATOUT View Post
    Tune will help a lot. Have KP do it, they did my old gen 3 after I did my headers and before tune I made 460 and after I made 498 through 3.73 gears.
    WOW! that's crazy.......I know my next mod.

  5. #80
    Nice write up and excellent Pictures
    Last edited by ViperWally; 02-06-2014 at 09:37 AM.

  6. #81

  7. #82
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    Houston, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by Resident Alien View Post
    Congratulations on a great build! I have a similar overall mod set up and love it.

    I'd recommend getting rid of the runflats, especially with your new-found rear wheel torque. In addition to terrible traction and increased stiffness they also give you about 25 lbs more in rotating mass.
    Yup, its definitely on the wish list, just hard to justify since they are new.

    Quote Originally Posted by FLATOUT View Post
    Tune will help a lot. Have KP do it, they did my old gen 3 after I did my headers and before tune I made 460 and after I made 498 through 3.73 gears.
    Yeah I'm on the stock manifolds but I'm hoping to see 470-480whp tuned. Fingers crossed.

    Quote Originally Posted by ACRucrazy View Post
    Coming along good! Now you just need some Hyper Black Sidewinder II wheels and Super Sports!
    I'd agree with you on the supersports but I'm not one for all black wheels. The ACRs pull them off, but i like some contrast to break up the tire/wheel juncture.

  8. #83
    Not all black, hyper black! Gloss black barrel with a black chrome face.

  9. #84
    Very nice writeup. I purchased my 03 with the Mopar Race exhaust already installed, so I don't know what it's like to drive one with the stock crosspipes. In addition to less heat, better flow, you lose a bit of weight, and less weight means faster. I hear what you're saying about your runflats, but trust me, when you put PS2s on, it's like a whole different animal, and can make a difference in traction 0-60 and in the quarter.

    Oh, and the 458? We have several of them at my C&C, and I've driven with them. Dude, they will pull you and eat your lunch. They are THAT fast, and with their paddle shifting, I was barely out of 1st, and it was like...WTF just happened, LOL!

    PS. Is that a 10th Anniversary 1988 RX7 in that garage? My mother had one, and I taught myself to drive a stick in that car. It was a fun, and fast (for it's day) car. Sucked down fuel like a big block though. My Viper gets better mileage!
    Last edited by swexlin; 02-06-2014 at 07:06 PM.

  10. #85
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    Spring TX
    Quote Originally Posted by swexlin View Post
    PS. Is that a 10th Anniversary 1988 RX7 in that garage? My mother had one, and I taught myself to drive a stick in that car. It was a fun, and fast (for it's day) car. Sucked down fuel like a big block though. My Viper gets better mileage!
    Yep, it sure is. I've had that car for a long time and just can't part with it. I started a big turbo swap but never finished. It's actually really close but I've been distracted with other projects. I'm planing to run it on e85.
    I'll hijack this thread for some Wankel goodness. LOL!
    Attached Images Attached Images

  11. #86
    Bill, that's a nice garage you have there. If I lived close by to you, I'd be hanging out there and wrenching on my Viper as well!

  12. #87
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    Nov 2013
    Houston, TX
    Some more updates;

    Took the car to KP Racing earlier in the week to get an SCT handheld and get a custom tune. I had popped a CEL from running around with the hi-flo cats after the exhaust install and wanted that cleared up as well.

    Car baselined at 445whp/460wtq, and they finished up at 459whp/482wtq, a gain of 14whp/22wtq. You can see nice torque gains through-out the midrange and the AFR got cleaned up between 2-3.5k, where it was really lean on the stock tune. Apparently there was a mirage of software issues plaguing the SCTs communication with the ECU, and no amount of tech support from SCT could resolve the woes. So the pulls were actually data logged on HP tuners, and the file loaded through the SCT. They also had trouble clearing the P0420 Emissions code, but that was later resolved and cleared with a dummy OBD scanner tool. I asked if the downstream 02s were shut-off through the SCT (so that the code wouldn't reappear) and was assured they were, so i thanked the tuner and went on my way.

    Seat of the pants feel after the tune were inconclusive, i really couldn't tell a difference--nor did i really expect to with such minimal gains. So i decided to hit the track the next day to see where the car stood. Proofs in the pudding as they say. It was valentines day so i figured it would be straight up singles night at the track, with minimal attendance. I somehow coerced the gf to forego any romantic plans that night in favor of me turning some passes. She accompanied me and was a champ the whole night--ie. minimal bitching, I was very impressed. I headed off to Royal Purple Raceway straight from the office, and arrived just as the gates opened at 6pm. On the way, the car threw another CEL. Mfer. So i guess maybe the down stream 02s were not turned off as previously thought, and after the necessary drive cycles the emissions code reappeared. I figured i'd come this far, i might as well run the car, and let KP deal with the code issue the following week.

    As i expected, attendance was very sparse so i proceeded to tech in and assume pole position in the staging lanes. I let the car cool for about half an hour and tried to mount the go-pro on the inside of the hatch glass without success. Mounted as far as it could go up on the inside of the hatch it was hitting the waterfall behind the seats and I couldnt angle it right. I decided to mount in near the subwoofer, and after many attempts got it to adhere to the plastic in that spot. It promptly fell off at first burnout.

    The stig.

    The co-pilot, test fitting the helmet.

    So then the fun begins. I knew on the way to the track by looking at the weather info, that it would be into the low 60s at best--and even this would be deep into the night. This means no ATCO style -2000-3000ft DAs to bring forth the earth scorching times. However, even though i'd be giving up some power on the big end, the temps would at least give the factory run-flats a fighting chance on the short side. Never actually having taken the viper to the strip before, i really didnt know what to expect on the 60' side, and knew it would really be a learning experience from the get-go. I promised myself i wouldn't let my competitive nature get to me and that i wouldnt focus on RT's and the guy next to me. So I drop the run-flats to 25psi on the rear (they would probably be 27-28psi after the light burnout) and proceed around to the starting line.

    Here are the track conditions from the night.

    Runs 1-3 were between 7:00-8:00pm with conditions improving with each subsequent pass.

    72* F
    60% humidity
    29.94 in HG

    Resultant DA = +1266ft

    Run 4 was done right at 10:00pm (1hr cool down and waiting for the temps to come down).

    68% humidity
    30.05 in HG

    Resultant DA = +630ft

    Run 1

    Pull up and grab the left lane, drive around the water box and back in. I couldn't really see when my rears were actually in the water so i shoot a stare at the gentleman responsible for keeping things wet back there (that's what she said). And motion best i could through a combination of hand gestures and awkward lip movement that he needs to guide me in. He shoots back an enthusiastic smile and thumbs up, and does nothing. I face-palm and proceed without his guidance. Move out of the box and proceed to do a light burnout; dump the clutch and grab the brakes, instant wheelhop. The track is prepped well, and the sticky surface and the runflats start a disagreement that send vibrations through the driveline, and make my skin crawl. I immediately get out of it and roll up to the tree. "Ugh, I hope this doesn't set the precedent for the night", i mutter to myself, and stage up.

    2500rpm, pre-load the clutch, 3rd yellow, and i'm off. Starts wheel hopping almost immediately, fack, i let out, just enough to quell the driveline tramp and jump back in it. Rip 2nd, then 3rd, and as I pass the 1000' mark i see the 1/8th mile times come up on the main display. "Man, I haven't been to the strip in a while, they give you 1/8th mile during the run?! Thats neat..."; bang 4th and I'm through the traps. Neat indeed, except that someone forgot to switch the timers from the 1/8th mile junior dragsters that were allowed to run from 6:30-7:00. Just as well, that was horrible launch.

    Run 2

    Right lane this time, pull up to the guy at the waterbox and ask him to be generous with the H2O, and to guide me in this time. He obliges. I roll out of the box and light em up, she sits there, smooth wheelspin, perfect. I stage, 2500rpm, watch the tree and feather her out. Bites in hard and bogs, damnit, i stay in it, bang em through the traps. Ok, so maybe the runflats aren't as bad as everyone makes them out to be.

    Run 3

    Hot lap again for the 3rd time, i pull up, do another light burnout (only until i see smoke), and stage up. 3,000rpm and I decide to get a little more aggressive on tip-in this time. Tree does its dance, and I'm off. Car jumps off the line and plants me in the seat, great launch. I proceed to shift like i mean it, and am rewarded with satisfying 60' and time. Now i think, the car is hot, and DA is too high, i can do better. I decide to park big red, and let her and the track cool. I grab a brew with the other half and we park ourselves in the stands.

    Run 4

    I was facing an internal dilemma. The staging lanes were packed up, and the gf's patience was wearing thin, i knew I had one pass left in me and i wanted to make it count. I still hadn't reached an adhesion limit on the launch so i really wanted to push the launch rpm higher. 3200... 3300 maybe? I decided not to chance it and blow my last pass with a ****ty 60', so I settled back at 3000. I line up next to a beautiful silver ls2 gto, who sits next to me in the lanes cammin' and rockin away. I can see he's on a tire so I start to wonder what hes got under the hood. Cam only bolt on? Head/cam? Head/cam/spray? Uh, oh. I do my little burnout and stage up. He takes his time doing a burnout. I hate it when they make me wait. I start concentrating less and less on my launch and more and more on cutting a light and putting in on the goat, and of course, my 60' suffers.

    The tree drops and we leave together, i bang 2nd and hes a fender behind me, i grab 3rd and he hasn't missed a step, still on me a few ft back. I rip into 4th and an audible chirp lets me know the stock clutch hasn't missed a beat, but i still cant pull away from him. We blast through the traps maybe a few hundredths apart. Damn good pass, and an awesome race. I throw him a thumbs up out the window as we brake in the overrun. I knew before i got my slip that it was good run, and i wasn't disappointed.

    Here are the slips, in order, from 1st pass to last, left to right.

    These pics are from the 4th run;

    All in all I had an absolute blast at the track. Probably the funnest outing yet. Combination of the car performing well, no incidents, and overall positive attitude of everyone around me towards the viper made the trip memorable. I couldn't turn around without someone wanting to chat me up about the car or take pics. Met a lot of nice people in the staging lanes that night. I know there is another tenth in the launch with some seat time, and more favorable DA's would bring higher traps. Next time.

  13. #88
    Join Date
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    Montgomery Texas
    Very very nice job if you haven't been out there before. Good to see 123mph in that air with your RWHP. I expect you to see 125-127 once you get headers on the car and in a little bit better air.

    Let me know when you guys are heading out there again. I have yet to use my hauler and need a test run

  14. #89
    Thanks for the update, Slow. Those dyno numbers are smack-on where a Gen 3 should be stock, and decent improvments with the tune. Get off those runflats, and I bet those times will improve. I know I keep harping on the tires, but that really should be your next investment. Go to some Michelin Super Sports, and you be BOTH faster AND safer.

    I like your write-ups, you keep us Gen 3 owners in the game! Hope you ge the CEL situation fixed.

  15. #90
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    Houston, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by FLATOUT View Post
    Very very nice job if you haven't been out there before. Good to see 123mph in that air with your RWHP. I expect you to see 125-127 once you get headers on the car and in a little bit better air.

    Let me know when you guys are heading out there again. I have yet to use my hauler and need a test run
    Thanks andy, that was definitely not my first time at baytown, but was my first time out there in the viper. We will be heading out there again this friday actually--you should join! Should be much better air this time around, in the low 50s. Prob hit some negative DAs. I probably wont bring the viper this time though, don't feel like beating on her again.

    Quote Originally Posted by swexlin View Post
    Thanks for the update, Slow. Those dyno numbers are smack-on where a Gen 3 should be stock, and decent improvments with the tune. Get off those runflats, and I bet those times will improve. I know I keep harping on the tires, but that really should be your next investment. Go to some Michelin Super Sports, and you be BOTH faster AND safer.

    I like your write-ups, you keep us Gen 3 owners in the game! Hope you ge the CEL situation fixed.
    Thanks for the kind words, and yes some better rubber is definitely in the future! Car will go back to KP pretty soon here to get that CEL resolved.

  16. #91
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    Also, forgot to mention i weighed in at the track (with a half tank of gas).

    3380lbs, and 3555 race weight (me in it).

  17. #92
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    You'll make right at 500 rwhp corrected after you remove the cats and throw some headers on there.

    I'll see what Friday looks like. I still have to install my brake controller on the Tahoe before I can haul with it. I'll try to get to it this week but I may still be a week or two out from getting down there with you guys.

  18. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by FLATOUT View Post
    You'll make right at 500 rwhp corrected after you remove the cats and throw some headers on there.

    I'll see what Friday looks like. I still have to install my brake controller on the Tahoe before I can haul with it. I'll try to get to it this week but I may still be a week or two out from getting down there with you guys.
    Brakes are for wimps lol. Quit the excuses and get your permission slip signed by the wife for this friday.

    Heres a little vid of the last pass;

  19. #94
    Good stuff!!!

  20. #95
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    Houston, TX
    Thought you guys might find this useful. I was trying to see whether a decent calculator existed to extrapolate the 0-60 out of the 1/8th mile data, and it seems most of the calculators i found online were too simplified of a model (they usually assumed constant acceleration, which as we know is not the case). It seems another engineer on the 'vette forums decided to to create a nice little spreadsheet using a 3rd degree polynomial (ie. introduction of variable acceleration) to model the best fit accel curve. If you maintained traction through-out the run, this is pretty damn accurate. Check your 1/8th mile traps against what the sheet estimates--if they are on point, then the confidence level should be high.

    Seems i was at 3.4 seconds on my best pass.

    You can find the spreed-sheet download at the link below (plus a a breakdown of the input equations).

  21. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by slowhatch View Post
    Brakes are for wimps lol. Quit the excuses and get your permission slip signed by the wife for this friday.
    LOL I have a Sloan Quick load you need the electronic controlled brakes to lock the hauler in place so the deck will slide up with the car on it. Or atleast it helps. Mine needs it

  22. #97
    OK, Slow, you lost me at polynomial....LOL! Physics is not my strong point.....!

  23. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by swexlin View Post
    OK, Slow, you lost me at polynomial....LOL! Physics is not my strong point.....!
    He's a crazy Russian And by crazy I mean CRAZY

  24. #99
    Join Date
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    Dayton, OH
    Sharp looking car, and if your GF let you get away with that on Valentine's Day, she's a keeper!

  25. #100
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by swexlin View Post
    OK, Slow, you lost me at polynomial....LOL! Physics is not my strong point.....!
    That's why there's a plug-n-chug spreadsheet haha.

    Quote Originally Posted by FLATOUT View Post
    He's a crazy Russian And by crazy I mean CRAZY
    I have my moments! When are we gonna see that FGT in the flesh?!

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve M View Post
    Sharp looking car, and if your GF let you get away with that on Valentine's Day, she's a keeper!
    Indeed. Lets see if this behavior lasts

    The morning after the track, I'm laying in bed, early am, my eyes open, and i was like; "My god, there's probably tire gunk on the rockers and inner fenderwell. It must be removed, now." Next minute, the gf is wondering why shes in an empty bed and I'm downstairs crawling around on all fours claying the lower rear fascias, cleaning the inner fenders, and overall detailing the car. I have a sickness.

    Btw mike, you still owe me that soap n suds fee for cleaning your bucket of bolts at my place haha.

    I slid by by KP Racing today to get another iteration of the SCT file loaded to see if it would solve the emissions code. I didn't make it more than 4 miles from the place before the CEL popped off again. It looks like the engineering team at SCT is going to have a crack at the file, which will take a week or so. Its not really a big deal, the tune is dead on, the catalyst efficiency code is more of a nuisance than anything (but of course i want it fixed).

    There were some nice cars at the shop today so i snapped some pics (Bill paced me there in his silver mamba).

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