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  1. #26
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Houston, TX
    So late last night i decided to take big red out for a spirited jaunt down the autobahn. Forecast called for rain everyday until Sunday, so i knew it'd be a week before i got a chance to pull her out again. I had no clue where i was headed but i decided to grab my tripod and slr just in case. Get on the loop and a few gear shifts later i'm barreling towards the galleria. I exit and head towards one of the north galleria parking garages--thinking i would try to get on the roof and shoot some pics. I get to the top and realize that a key card access is required to get where i wanted to be, so i turn around and start heading back down the ramp. Right as I'm pulling out i glance over at the Westin, and there, gleaming red, in all her glory, another 3rd gen. As i wonder who's upstairs with their mistress for the night, i can't help but smile at the random coincidence. So i pull around, jump out, and start snapping some pics. This raises quite a stir with not only all of the valet staff--who ran outside quicker than a F1 pit crew--but all the people in the lobby as well. Next thing i know everyone is out with the camera phones and I'm having to ask people politely to get the hell out of the frame

    There was also quite an interesting convo with one of the valet guys who thought that the Vipers were loaners and i was professional photographer--as you can see from my pics, I am far from! Although i don't blame them, I did look like a bum at the present time--was wearing a hoodie and some basketball shorts.

    Valet- "I always wanted to be a pro photographer, it's awesome how they let you drive the coolest cars. Are you doing some testing with these 2? Do they let you drive it fast? What magazine is this?"
    Me- "...Uhh, It goes pretty good!" (I didnt feel like explaining everything to him)

    Finished shooting, made a bunch of noise under the overpass, and headed home

  2. #27
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Houston, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by 98intrigue View Post
    Looks like you're off to a good start! I have a set of Belanger headers for sale if interested (saw you mention a Belanger setup above). Will that turbo be making its way into the engine bay permanently?
    Nah we were just kidding around with the snail, its a 60mm for my buddies FC Rx7. Shoot me a PM on what you want for the belangers.

  3. #28
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    Spring TX
    Quote Originally Posted by 98intrigue View Post
    Looks like you're off to a good start! I have a set of Belanger headers for sale if interested (saw you mention a Belanger setup above). Will that turbo be making its way into the engine bay permanently?
    This gathering of American muscle was in my driveway and for shits and giggles I sat the turbo there.
    The silver mamba in the driveway is mine along with the RX-7, Audi and the Buell. I'm always willing and able to help with mods and installs.....on any make or model.

  4. #29
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    Clearwater, FL
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Bill View Post
    This gathering of American muscle was in my driveway and for shits and giggles I sat the turbo there.
    The silver mamba in the driveway is mine along with the RX-7, Audi and the Buell. I'm always willing and able to help with mods and installs.....on any make or model.
    I saw those pictures on Instagram...and followed you. HAha

  5. #30
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    Houston, TX
    Had a chance to drive the beast some more over the past week or so, nothing but smiles and miles.

    Here i am on the way to the grocery store, decided to stop next to this c7 and ask him for directions..

    Met some friends up at a local shop and went out for a few fun runs;

    Heres the vid of me vs the C7 (first race) and C6 Z06 (~1:23 into the video). Since you cant really see the outcome of the C7 race, he tree'd me (im not used to whole the flash light bit), and i came around him in 2nd and kept walking away.


    And another vid off of my gopro.

    Last edited by slowhatch; 12-06-2013 at 09:59 AM.

  6. #31
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Montgomery Texas
    Lol looks like you faired pretty well. Couldn't tell how you did against the Z06's but I didn't see you get walked so I assume ok

  7. #32
    Join Date
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    Houston, TX
    Was the orange C6Z you roll-raced stock? Not used to seeing a stock Gen 3 win any roll races, LOL. Congrats on the new toy!


  8. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by FLATOUT View Post
    Lol looks like you faired pretty well. Couldn't tell how you did against the Z06's but I didn't see you get walked so I assume ok
    Andy, 1:23 into the first link i ran a c6 z06 twice from a 35, pulled him each time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nine Ball View Post
    Was the orange C6Z you roll-raced stock? Not used to seeing a stock Gen 3 win any roll races, LOL. Congrats on the new toy!
    Yeah he was stock as far as i know. Also ran a cyber gray one that said he was stock but had disabled torque managements and few other factory bandaids but was still on the stock tune (he says ), i pulled him as well. I was very surprised to be honest, i would think the c6 z's would have me up top, the trap differential between us stock is quite vast--but anything can happen on the street. I drive mine, dont know if they are rippin em.
    Last edited by slowhatch; 12-06-2013 at 08:45 AM.

  9. #34
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    Houston, TX
    Good point. My Gen 3 ran 12.0 @ 119 stock. My C6Z ran 11.5 @ 125 stock. But you are right, most guys that own either car cannot drive. I met a Z06 owner once that told me that he was faster when shifting at 6000 rpm vs 7000 rpm. LOL

  10. #35
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    slowhatch, I sent you a pm.


  11. #36
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    I have removed the videos per forum guidelines, if anyone cares to see them you can always pm me. Thanks for the heads up mike.

  12. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by slowhatch View Post
    I have removed the videos per forum guidelines, if anyone cares to see them you can always pm me. Thanks for the heads up mike.
    What? I thought VOA was aiming for a more laid back and fun website, not another VCA overly moderated site? Guys, this is the internet. Please allow videos to be posted of Vipers doing what they do.

  13. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nine Ball View Post
    What? I thought VOA was aiming for a more laid back and fun website, not another VCA overly moderated site? Guys, this is the internet. Please allow videos to be posted of Vipers doing what they do.
    LOL no fun

  14. #39
    Join Date
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    Sturtevant, Wisconsin
    Just a tip on your pictures: if you shoot in RAW and use image editing software you can extract a LOT more light information out of your pictures. Also a tripod and longer exposures will help

    Looks like you have a lot more fun on a weeknight than I do.

  15. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by The_Greg View Post
    Just a tip on your pictures: if you shoot in RAW and use image editing software you can extract a LOT more light information out of your pictures. Also a tripod and longer exposures will help

    Looks like you have a lot more fun on a weeknight than I do.
    Without a doubt (in reference to the post processing). I never learned how to post process, but i always had a decent eye for composition so i just shoot em and post em untouched. Someone with some talent on the photoshop side would probably be able to polish them up a bit.

  16. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by Nine Ball View Post
    Good point. My Gen 3 ran 12.0 @ 119 stock. My C6Z ran 11.5 @ 125 stock. But you are right, most guys that own either car cannot drive. I met a Z06 owner once that told me that he was faster when shifting at 6000 rpm vs 7000 rpm. LOL
    Nine, I see, to recall all the car rag tests 10 years ago when the Gen 3s were new, getting high 11s stock on runflats. Two questions:

    1. On modern PS2s, or Super Sports, shouldn't a Gen 3 otherwise stock get well into the 11s?
    2. Why are the C6 Zs faster up top? Horsepower is the same, and the Viper way out-torques them. I guess the LS7 can rev quicker and higher?


  17. #42
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    Montgomery Texas
    Z06's are lighter and have much better gearing. Dodge didn't get the gearing right until the 2010 models.

    Quote Originally Posted by swexlin View Post
    Nine, I see, to recall all the car rag tests 10 years ago when the Gen 3s were new, getting high 11s stock on runflats. Two questions:

    1. On modern PS2s, or Super Sports, shouldn't a Gen 3 otherwise stock get well into the 11s?
    2. Why are the C6 Zs faster up top? Horsepower is the same, and the Viper way out-torques them. I guess the LS7 can rev quicker and higher?


  18. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by FLATOUT View Post
    Z06's are lighter and have much better gearing. Dodge didn't get the gearing right until the 2010 models.
    Didn't know about the weight.

  19. #44
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    C6Z06 weigh about 3150 lbs, and have 7,000 rpm stock. They are in a sweeter powerband, and deadly at 60 mph in 2nd. Throttle response at that speed is better than any NA car I've owned or driven, stock. Viper is closer to 3400 lbs, and has crappy 3.07 gear gearing and weaksauce 6000 rpm. We have to get it all done without rpm.

    Yes, Gen 3 is a high-11s car stock, with traction and fair weather. But the Z06 is a low 11s (some have gone 10s stock) car with the same traction and weather. I'd peg them about half a second difference, and 5 mph difference, on the same day, same traction, same driver.

  20. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by Nine Ball View Post
    C6Z06 weigh about 3150 lbs, and have 7,000 rpm stock. They are in a sweeter powerband, and deadly at 60 mph in 2nd. Throttle response at that speed is better than any NA car I've owned or driven, stock. Viper is closer to 3400 lbs, and has crappy 3.07 gear gearing and weaksauce 6000 rpm. We have to get it all done without rpm.

    Yes, Gen 3 is a high-11s car stock, with traction and fair weather. But the Z06 is a low 11s (some have gone 10s stock) car with the same traction and weather. I'd peg them about half a second difference, and 5 mph difference, on the same day, same traction, same driver.
    Thanks. I knew they were fast, but didn't realize they were essentially same (or better) performers as a Gen 4 . Wow.

  21. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by swexlin View Post
    Thanks. I knew they were fast, but didn't realize they were essentially same (or better) performers as a Gen 4 . Wow.
    Gen 4 are a bit quicker than the C6Z. Gen 4 are high 120 traps, low 11s typical. From a roll, the Gen 4 will pull a C6Z about 2 cars.

  22. #47
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    Houston, TX
    Me and Bill at the KP Racing charity dyno day;

    Put down exactly what we should have, ie. weak ass stock gen 3 numbers Please excuse my horridly dirty wheels--stock pads do them no favors.

    I made 447whp/460wtq, bill made 449whp/455wtq.

    And since our position on the dyno seemed to be 1:1 i made this goofy little gif--kinda cool to see the differences in the rear fascias.

  23. #48
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    Houston, TX
    My graph

  24. #49
    Good numbers, right where they should be. Both cars look good, as does the Superbee waiting for the dyno after the silver Viper. (I have an 07 Superbee as well...)

  25. #50
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by slowhatch View Post
    Cool. I never knew the lower rear diffuser was different. Its much wider and narrower on the coupe.

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