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  1. #51
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Los Angeles
    All this thread is doing is bringing out the trolls and making me really appreciate my 1 of 1 that i've barely driven!

    I'm taking it out tomorrow for a drive - first time in 6 weeks!

    Thanks guys!

  2. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by mak1118 View Post
    Gerry Wood offered me a '17 gt a month ago for $8500 under msrp.
    Who did you talk to? I called them on a non ACR they have and made a strong cash offer that was at invoice and he told me to pound sand, that they are only selling all vipers at sticker.

  3. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by Dman View Post
    Who did you talk to? I called them on a non ACR they have and made a strong cash offer that was at invoice and he told me to pound sand, that they are only selling all vipers at sticker.

    I will send you a pm

  4. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by Dman View Post
    Who did you talk to? I called them on a non ACR they have and made a strong cash offer that was at invoice and he told me to pound sand, that they are only selling all vipers at sticker.
    I don't know what you are looking for but I gave another member on here another deal but don't think he was interested.... I got a good offer on a new 16 gts white, if you are interested shoot me a pm and I will tell you the deal and where it is... free shipping too.

  5. #55
    your car.

  6. #56
    No, new at a dealer.

  7. #57
    Quote Originally Posted by OneofOneViper View Post
    My posts are facts. And just because I registered recently certainly doesn't mean I'm new to the viper scene. I'd be willing to bet I've owned vipers longer than most on this forum. Almost 17 years now. But I like calling out BS so I don't think I'll be going back to my rock so you can spout BS without someone calling you out.
    Funny.. everyone calls you a clown. Your facts are not facts when I know people that bought their cars for way less than MSRP.

  8. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by ACRSNK View Post
    Don't waste your time with that guy. He's a clown and gets all butt hurt when someone says they got a deal on an ACR-E because he wasn't able to. He chimes in with useless posts all the time on these types of threads. Thinks he knows everything about Vipers. Lol.
    Seems like it. Now he is saying he owns a viper for 17yrs.. maybe a hotwheels version.

  9. #59
    Quote Originally Posted by Jdmuscle View Post
    Seems like it. Now he is saying he owns a viper for 17yrs.. maybe a hotwheels version.
    Sounds to me like your a little "jelly". And show me one person who bought a 2017 ACRE viper in the last 2 months for under MSRP and I'll give you $1000. Otherwise shut your mouth liar. Post the receipt and the money is yours.

    Yeah, I'm calling you and every other BSer out. Put up or shut up. I have nothing to gain. Only $1000 to lose and I'm telling you that anyone who says differently without putting up a receipt is a liar. Again---qualifications are ACRE only in the last 2 months, that's December and January. If you know lots of people that got them from under MSRP this should take you just a few minutes to earn $1000.

    yeah... that's what I thought.
    Last edited by OneofOneViper; 01-29-2017 at 09:35 PM.

  10. #60
    Quote Originally Posted by OneofOneViper View Post
    Sounds to me like your a little "jelly". And show me one person who bought a 2017 ACRE viper in the last 2 months for under MSRP and I'll give you $1000. Otherwise shut your mouth liar. Post the receipt and the money is yours.

    Yeah, I'm calling you and every other BSer out. Put up or shut up. I have nothing to gain. Only $1000 to lose and I'm telling you that anyone who says differently without putting up a receipt is a liar. Again---qualifications are ACRE only in the last 2 months, that's December and January. If you know lots of people that got them from under MSRP this should take you just a few minutes to earn $1000.

    yeah... that's what I thought.
    Butt hurt much? No need to prove you anything and no one needs your money. Lol just know you are wrong. I think we will start calling you an immature clown going forward.

  11. #61
    Quote Originally Posted by Jdmuscle View Post
    Butt hurt much? No need to prove you anything and no one needs your money. Lol just know you are wrong.
    yeah... that's what I thought.

  12. #62
    Quote Originally Posted by OneofOneViper View Post
    yeah... that's what I thought.
    People here that buy 120-140k cars typically like to keep things private. To prove an immature clown wrong I won't be telling you who and how much. Go tell your mommy.. that I'm not sharing my secret with you lmao

  13. #63
    Quote Originally Posted by Jdmuscle View Post
    People here that buy 120-140k cars typically like to keep things private. To prove an immature clown wrong I won't be telling you who and how much. Go tell your mommy.. that I'm not sharing my secret with you lmao
    So what we know is you can come up with an excuse, and judging by your collection you probably could use the $1000. They really should ban people from forums who post false statements as fact when they can't back up these facts. Call it a "prove it or lose it" policy. As immature as this bickering back and forth has been (and yes I'm done after this post with you), all you have proven is that you have no way to prove me wrong, you're a liar probably trying to influence the market, and you'll keep making up excuses as to why you can't prove otherwise.

  14. #64
    Quote Originally Posted by OneofOneViper View Post
    So what we know is you can come up with an excuse, and judging by your collection you probably could use the $1000. They really should ban people from forums who post false statements as fact when they can't back up these facts. Call it a "prove it or lose it" policy. As immature as this bickering back and forth has been (and yes I'm done after this post with you), all you have proven is that you have no way to prove me wrong, you're a liar probably trying to influence the market, and you'll keep making up excuses as to why you can't prove otherwise.
    Lol.. you should've been banned a long time ago then. If you really feel strongly about sending me the money why not just donate it to the gofundme that's out there for the viper's return to the ring instead of mouthing off over here.. everyone knows you are a clown. Lol

    Here is the link for the gofundme..

    Stop wasting cyber space with your stupid claims and make some good use of yourself.

  15. #65
    I'll say this...when my car was built and sent to VE in October, I was watching dealer stock and it was ALL low. I was unjustifiably a little concerned that VE might not have honored the pricing we had negotiated several months prior to this (and to clear this up...I was 110% happy with VE and Courtney and this was simply my paranoia setting in). As of today, VE is showing FOUR cars in-stock...and one is that matte yellow ACR and another is Stryker Purple. So tell me how easy it's going to be to find a new ACR-E when I can count on one-hand the number of available cars the largest Viper dealer has in-stock.
    Some people like to argue and complain about stupid shit. Go out and track your car and stop complaining. If you sat on the fence after WE ALL KNEW the Gen V was going away after '17, then your loss.

  16. #66
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Los Angeles
    Fuck all this talk! Went out for a fun drive today!




  17. #67
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Clearwater, FL
    Quote Originally Posted by dewilmoth View Post
    I bought my car before you, also used, and with 290 miles on it. Nothing to do with a coupon. And you lost me on the alternative facts reference. I also never claimed to win the internet. Just tired of reading your constant brag about how amazing you did on the car purchase. Nobody cares, I promise.
    Ahhh so you were the one who bought it from MB of Tampa?

  18. #68
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    South of London, Surrey
    Quote Originally Posted by LABrit View Post
    Fuck all this talk! Went out for a fun drive today!



    How do you guys get on with a 50mph speed limit DO they relax that a little? Must be frustrating driving high performance cars at that speed?
    Do you even make 4th gear?

  19. #69
    Nice!!! Thanks for the positive...Weather here still crappy, wife driving me crazy, need to escape!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by LABrit View Post
    Fuck all this talk! Went out for a fun drive today!




  20. #70
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Los Angeles
    I don't feel your pain!

    I used to daily my cars in London regardless of the weather but we never had anything more than a couple inches of snow in the last 8 years on average.

  21. #71
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    South of London, Surrey
    Quote Originally Posted by LABrit View Post
    I don't feel your pain!

    I used to daily my cars in London regardless of the weather but we never had anything more than a couple inches of snow in the last 8 years on average.
    I could not live in London Dad saw the way it was going in the late 1950s and moved us out into Surrey. Green fields where I live We have only had 2 days of snow so far

  22. #72
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Los Angeles
    Quote Originally Posted by Fatboy 18 View Post
    I could not live in London Dad saw the way it was going in the late 1950s and moved us out into Surrey. Green fields where I live We have only had 2 days of snow so far
    London is vile. Born and raised there - it changed massively over the last 15 years and i wasn't raising my newborn there.

  23. #73

  24. #74
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Quebec, Canada
    Has production started back? we see pics of 1of1 cars being painted and assembled in other posts ?
    Any news on new orders reopening ? for Canadians ?

  25. #75
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Manhattan, Kansas
    Quote Originally Posted by LABrit View Post
    I don't feel your pain!

    I used to daily my cars in London regardless of the weather but we never had anything more than a couple inches of snow in the last 8 years on average.
    I got to drive mine last weekend. Put it in a big show. Even won sponsors choice award. No snow here yet, just sent my ACR tips off to get ceramic coated and gonna get it freshened up and can't wait for spring.

    Just checked Viper Concierge, Reservations Temporarily Closed.

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