not a silly statement and yes plenty did buy below MSRP. Show me one person who bought an ACR-E new below MSRP since November and I'll show you a liar. Better yet, show me one selling below MSRP for a new ACR-E right now and I'll give you a buyer.
The reality is this. Viper owners have been so used to getting such great deals for years because the car wasn't selling; I get it. I could have bought one last February at about 15k under MSRP. But I drug my feet and times have changed. The car has since been discontinued, set tons of track records, and getting world wide attention. Only about 200 ACREs are made a year and the demand far exceeds them. I and 2 other friends went to buy one months ago and no dealership is willing to bargain anymore (and trust me I tried a lot). I ended up buying at MSRP and I'm fine with that, but no one is going to be selling an ACRE under MSRP anymore. Again, if you know someone who is, point them out and I'll send them a buyer.
Last edited by OneofOneViper; 01-27-2017 at 11:41 PM.
These stats are just completely wrong. Don't speak just to speak if you don't know what you're talking about. First, Gerry Wood won't sell anything below MSRP when it comes to vipers. Will they in the future? Who knows. Second, they started with 141 vipers and have sold 53 on there site plus others that have not been marked off yet. That leaves them with 88ish? That is not "100 plus" and it's only been 2 months?
Not sure yet...have only done 950 miles so far so will take it out this weekend and decide. Too many cars and no time at the moment to drive any of them!
List on mine was 169k and haven't advertised it other than a post on instagram and mentioned it's possibly available on this forum.
Last edited by LABrit; 01-28-2017 at 12:15 AM.
Here's the thing to me, if all these people had cash ready to order...why didn't they? There was 150 some odd cars for gerrywood to buy. We hadn't bought up all the slots yet. So I'm not actually upset at them for it. I understand that it sucks for people who wanted a 1/1. But I've seen so many people say they were a week away from ordering, etc that it gets a little hard to believe. Are we sure it isn't people just really wanting what they can't have?
I bought my car before you, also used, and with 290 miles on it. Nothing to do with a coupon. And you lost me on the alternative facts reference. I also never claimed to win the internet. Just tired of reading your constant brag about how amazing you did on the car purchase. Nobody cares, I promise.
I'm not giving out opinions, I'm giving out facts. A thread was started a month or 2 ago with someone claiming the same thing yet no one has been able to come up with one solid example sale where an ACRE has been sold below MSRP since November. So until anyone can, either anyone suggesting as such is trying to influence the market or they are liars. That simple.
No problem..... when I first started to deal with them they told me they will not sell any viper under msrp but they eventually gave in... I wouldn't buy a car if it was msrp or over. I almost bought the car but I wanted another $3k off and they wouldn't go and before I had a chance to change my mind the car was gone but it had 49 miles on it so they were using it to let people test drive.
There are no deals to be had on ACR-e's at all in Canada, the used ones are going for more than what I paid for my SE car, and I paid MSRP.
I know of a number of people that were going through the 1 of 1 process, and that takes time. Gotta get the color chip, sign off on it, send it back, then get the speedform, sign off on that, and then the order goes into the acceptance queue. Some guys were right at the end of that process when the acceptance queue closed down. I had heard rumors of that about to happen, so I gave up on my quest for the "perfect blue" and just opted for Stryker Purple. Two days later, the orders closed.
There were others who were ready to put orders in, but knew that it was the end of the season and buying a Viper in October and having it delivered in January is the worst time of year to get one. So, they dragged their feet a bit. If some very strongly worded advance notice was given, I know for a fact they would have jumped on it. The problem was that the ordering closed down with very little notice - and many dealers had no clue it was about to happen. Given two weeks notice, I'm sure a bunch of people would have scrambled to get the order in. Personally, I dragged my sick-ass self down to the dealership to get it done because I knew the clock was ticking - but I was one of the lucky few who heard the rumors of orders closing "any day now" and I believed them. A lot of people thought it was just rumors based on dealership FUD to move units. If FCA had issued a letter that people could see with their own eyes, I think a bunch would have jumped.
Now, we have a number of people who have been working hard behind the scenes to get their cars - and when ordering does open (even if it's not announced) I hear they're going to get them. So, I'm sure there are plenty of buyers out there working behind the scenes and not making a lot of noise about it because they don't want to cause a mad rush and then possibly get locked out.
Registers on the board last month and knows Viper market better than most here and probably knows even better than God himself. Lol and Internet never lies.. and that dealers website is up to date... lmao
Please go hide under a rock that you were before December or stop posting stupid posts to get your post count high.
My posts are facts. And just because I registered recently certainly doesn't mean I'm new to the viper scene. I'd be willing to bet I've owned vipers longer than most on this forum. Almost 17 years now. But I like calling out BS so I don't think I'll be going back to my rock so you can spout BS without someone calling you out.
Who Else is Hoping Waiting For Dodge to Re Open Ordering and I know more about Vipers are not on Topic. Take it easy folks and stay on point.