What is the legal issue everyone eludes to? It's just a car part. " Build it and they will come".
What is the legal issue everyone eludes to? It's just a car part. " Build it and they will come".
Let's face it, any time you know something exists but only here rumors, nothing is definite, and it's all hush hush, Its either legal issues or it's the government. This seems to be an equal mix of both.
Who knows.... We do know that it's been roughly 4 months since Ralph said it was to be released. Still an awesome car after 4 months for me though, just ready for some exhaust upgrades and possible tuning(Paxton down the road someday!hehehe..).
The Gen V ECU's were shipped out to HPTuners today so if Dodge won't do it someone else will.
I honestly don't think it's worth their trouble to do it their eyes. Why take any of the liability on themselves, I think they were hoping for the aftermarket to pick up the ball all along. With Ralph in a new position there, I honestly don't think he can make much happen anymore and the new guy will jump on whatever bandwagon pads his bonus. He just doesn't seem like a car guy to me, but I have only watched videos and have never met him.
The new guy (Tim) is a car guy, just a different one then Ralph is, and the hold up is no longer a regulation thing it is more of an ownership thing with the lawyers. There are other reasons in play and I hope for everyones benefit the whole program moves forward instead of being further bogged down. There will be even bigger things ahead once the whoe thing is finally pushed ahead one way or another.
I no longer think 'the issue' is at play, and may even be solved. Not a factor. There are now other factors. The original elusive issue that is/was being alluded to is this:
"Off Road Use Only" for an accessory part that [possibly] violates the emission standards of the 2013-2014 Federal emissions certification of the 2013-14-15 Motor. May also violate certain State emissions. YES, we all know that other products have been / are sold by Chrysler-Dodge before now for "Off Road Use"....... but that was all parts offered-sold prior to FIAT. It took longer to 'splain it to the new guys is my guess. I think they understand now, but other issues may be at play.
For example, one might surmise that the '4-5 dealers only' point of sale could be a factor? We can all think of 10+ other (excluded?) Dodge Dealers that might be annoyed... And Nothing prevents those 4-5 (or 1-2) from doing a private-label 'HP Tuner' solution on their own, does it?
Last edited by JonB ~ PartsRack; 08-06-2014 at 03:24 PM.
Why would Chrysler limit the sale of the ECU? Any Viper authorized dealer should be allowed to sell it. Only the "good" dealers will be installing this for the customers that don't feel comfortable doing it themselves. If Chrysler wants to limit the sale of parts then they should really look at scaling back at the # of incompetent dealers allowed to sell the car in the first place. That's half of the sales problem anyways.
Last edited by XSnake; 08-06-2014 at 03:33 PM.
You don't believe this was a PREFIX / Tomball ~ Viper Exchange project as announced? I think this helps Tomball sell up to 10 of their currently allocated-owned G5 cars...not necessarily selling any more 'surplus' G5s for Dodge until/unless Tomball sells all 10... This is a specialty car for a FEW.....not a way to move 'a lot of surplus' for Dodge. marking the [already-expensive] G5 UP by $35K wont move a lot of surplus...
Last edited by JonB ~ PartsRack; 08-06-2014 at 03:34 PM.
for vert owners that are crying for one it will, and move old inventory for a possible factory made pull the rabbit out of the hat vert. lol / i think only a select few cars will be cut into a prefix vert, the less desireable ones if ya know what i mean to thin inventory a bit.. yes i believe it was a prefix/tomball/viper exchange project- but dodge im shure sat at the table upon conversation of this,somebody
Last edited by bluesrt; 08-06-2014 at 03:47 PM.
Your remark about "biting the hand that feeds you" has an interesting side story. If there is no hand feeding you, what do you have to lose by moving forward? Maybe Arrow found out that there is no more contract for future V10 rebuilds. Maybe Prefix has no commitment for Vipers after 2015. Both of these situations are blows to both companies, so the decision to sell Arrow to Prefix makes sense to both companies since Chrysler may be leaving them without future business.
After listening to the owner of Prefix give his speech and listening to Ben Keating talk at the Prefix visit, I'm positive that these two guys are out to get it done on their own with the convertible and new accessories and upgrades. They did this on their own...even once Chrysler found out about the convertible they didn't want to acknowledge that they knew about it. The way SRT reacted when they saw the convertible reminds me of the following clip:
So here is my prediction.....Prefix and Ben Keating will be continue working on the Viper platform in the form of mods, body kits, suspension upgrades, convertibles and now with Arrow, custom and rebuilt engines. I see the owner of Prefix as somebody that will get the job done. In the near future, Prefix will be the "go to" place to send your Gen 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 Viper for body and paint replacement, suspension and brake upgrades, motor work or custom vehicles very much like Brabus does, etc. If the Viper platform is to end after 2015, then there will be a new interest in the Viper platform just like there is now for out of production Porsche's, Jag's, Mercedes Benz, American muscle cars, etc. Prefix has the talent, facilities and most importantly the financial capability to make this happen. Now we have to wait and see if I'm correct.
Haven't seen Sgt. Schultz in years-THANX for the "bite"!! Prefix and Keating know a "HELL OF ALOT MORE" than all of us as to what the future of the Viper might hold! Who knows when the 2015 production will commence-what minimal changes are in store-and at what lays beyond!! These are "VERY SMART" and the most "WELL INFORMED" agents of Chrysler-their "investments" are made with "the best knowledge" available of what the future might hold at this point in time!! IMO the more they diversify their product line-the more they feel the NEED to for their future profits-because the CURRENT situation DOES NOT have the PROFIT POTENTIAL their businesses need!!
The main reason for the planned limited distribution was to control the install and registration of the PCM's. There were tons of problems with unqualified dealers and re-sellers selling them a Gen4 PCM and then messing up the install. This headache became one man’s problem and it was a huge one... You cannot sell the PCM overseas, have it installed incorrectly and then expect to have it all fixed for free because the installer did not know what they were doing, you cannot sell them “pre-installed” with the premise that the buyer can install it themselves either, the DEALER has to install it "and do it correctly". Even I have received dozens of calls because of these problems and I didn't even sell them. These dealers and owners just wanted me to use our connections to fix the problems someone else created (although it was expressly indicated that there was NO warranty on the off road MOPAR parts), so that is the thinking behind the limited sales options.
There are other reasons, but those plans will be discussed when the appropriate parties decide to talk about them.
On a side note, most of what has been theorized here and other places about the Prefix/Arrow merger are wrong, but I cannot offer any explanations at this point, just confirm that all is well for both companies and its business as usual.