Has anyone converted their GenV to a sequential Trans? PPG makes a conversion kit, but does not seem too be much info out there from actual users.
Has anyone converted their GenV to a sequential Trans? PPG makes a conversion kit, but does not seem too be much info out there from actual users.
Calvo is working on a sequential setup I believe. Don't think it's ready for purchase yet, however.
How's the maintenance compared to the typical manual?
ive seen some fake sequentials in the 997 cars. total waste of time and money. n0w if its like one from my 997 cup then its legit and works wonders on track. i know my cup car gearbox needs rebuild after 40 hours... i think it a hollinger. love the sound of sequentials especially 10 of them at the start of as race . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wx6OcTldnTM
Last edited by acrgt; 04-01-2016 at 05:51 PM.
If I remember correctly, both the EMCO and Hollinger had 150 hour rebuilds. Hollingers are in the 800-1000 dollar range for parts alone. Both usually ran a Tilton Clutch which does not like being street driven. The sequentials are very noisy because of the straight cut gears.
Engine controllers are another part of the equation as the ignition is cutout for a milisecond when the shift occurs. Differentials take a HUGE beating behind a sequential because of the torque load too.
Mind you, everything I've said relates to Comp Coupes. The diff issues will happen regardless. There are specific parts that can added swapped in the diff to all but eliminate the problem...
We build and sell PPG transmissions and are installing one on Tuesday into our shop gen v. Here is a video NARA speed did on the shop.
And here is a vid of it on a gen 3.
Last edited by Antonio@CalvoMotorsports; 04-01-2016 at 05:35 PM.
Wonder if this product ever made it to production? A bolt-on sequential shifter for the T-56:
The gear set should be 8-9k from my price sheet. Maybe a typo. Its roughly 17k all said and done. But you do need some sort of engine management capable of controlling it properly. From what we seen with the way PPG does it over the Emco's with the shifter position sensors Motec is hands down the best way. You can utilize a %cut and the ecu will know exactly when the dog rings are engaging from the position sensor. The Infinity only has a 100% cut for X amount of time.
Last edited by Antonio@CalvoMotorsports; 04-01-2016 at 08:56 PM.
I just ordered a sequential through Antonio @ Calvo. PPG told me it will live behind my car which makes over 1000tq and over 1200whp and 9000+rpms. Looking forward to seeing how I like it. Will be running a triple carbon Tilton clutch and Tilton slave.
The part referenced about the AEM Infinity ECU is only true if you choose to program it in that manner. We've done 5 sequential transmission setups in the last 6 months including a Lamborghini application. All of them were controlled through the AEM Infinity and they used position and strain sensors and appropriate programming to adjust cut based on force and rotation position. You can do the same thing with our MoTeC M1 Gen V ECU package.
As far as durability is concerned, the Blue Gen 3 Viper we've broken some pretty fast records with has never experienced a transmission failure in 3 years of service and will complete an upshift in 40 - 50 ms (0.04 - 0.05 seconds) at over 2000 WHP. This isn't to say the transmissions will always be bulletproof, but we've had a great track record for many many years with our sequential based projects.
I want one, what's it going to cost on a stock ACR?
Let's talk right away, Darius. We have a couple cars coming from your neck of the woods. We'll split up the transport cost.
We have 3 different gearbox options and several electronics options, so pricing can be really tailored to anyone's needs. There are tons of different gear ratio options as well.