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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Palm Beach Gardens, FL

    My G5 Problem...

    Started up this AM, shortly thereafter idle got a bit rough and stopped. Started again, and same thing happened two more times. Last time, would not start at all, only got what sounded like a 1/4 turn on starter, if that.

    Replaced battery with new one...same thing, won't start like above. No codes. Digital screen kept scrolling on its own. Kept pressing starter button, same result as above. A few times heard what sounded like arching or a very small back fire in engine compartment. Could not turn off accessory position on started button...until 3 or 4 trys.

    Car has 800 miles, has always ran perfect without any sign of a problem of any kind. Last driven 5 days ago.

    Has anyone heard of this before?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Tysons Corner, VA
    Whats your oil level?

  3. #3
    What's your warranty?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Sundiego View Post
    What's your warranty?
    His car is brand new. And for his sake I hope it's something easily fixable, because he's waited a long time to get it.

  5. #5
    I thought that kind of crap was only happening with the C7 Corvettes...........

  6. #6
    Well at least the paint job is cool. (Note to self ....still continue the ideology of not buying the first year of any car)

  7. #7
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    "No Codes" if you did not use a scan tool you cannot be sure there are no codes.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by F2V View Post
    Started up this AM, shortly thereafter idle got a bit rough and stopped. Started again, and same thing happened two more times. Last time, would not start at all, only got what sounded like a 1/4 turn on starter, if that.

    Replaced battery with new one...same thing, won't start like above. No codes. Digital screen kept scrolling on its own. Kept pressing starter button, same result as above. A few times heard what sounded like arching or a very small back fire in engine compartment. Could not turn off accessory position on started button...until 3 or 4 trys.

    Car has 800 miles, has always ran perfect without any sign of a problem of any kind. Last driven 5 days ago.

    Has anyone heard of this before?

    no need to worry.... this is your local dealers problem......and surely with warranty, definitely NOT your problem. Anything can be fixed or replaced.

    But from what you describe could possibly be a bad ground.

  9. #9
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    Houston, TX
    Krate's response seems logical to me. Definitely electrical related, based on all the issues reported. I'm also betting a ground or main power wire is loose, which replacing the battery won't fix. Likely the factory battery is still good, have it checked at an auto parts store. Locate nearest Dodge dealership to get it fixed. The idling/stalling is exactly what they do when the battery is almost dead, or a wire is loose.


  10. #10
    Roy I hope it's something simple and you get your car back quickly. I am NOT of the mind set that it's a dealer problem, just because it is under warranty that doesn't mean squat! Everything from the inconvenience of the car being not driveable to potentially some kid not having a clue how to load it on a flatbed makes for anxiety and frustration. Certain things can and do happen but it doesn't make it very palatable IMO. Roy is the car still in CT or in FL? Dan

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by F2V View Post
    Started up this AM, shortly thereafter idle got a bit rough and stopped. Started again, and same thing happened two more times. Last time, would not start at all, only got what sounded like a 1/4 turn on starter, if that.

    Replaced battery with new one...same thing, won't start like above. No codes. Digital screen kept scrolling on its own. Kept pressing starter button, same result as above. A few times heard what sounded like arching or a very small back fire in engine compartment. Could not turn off accessory position on started button...until 3 or 4 trys.

    Car has 800 miles, has always ran perfect without any sign of a problem of any kind. Last driven 5 days ago.

    Has anyone heard of this before?

    Could it possibly be a gear-position inhibition issue ?

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    How about as simple as putting a scan tool on it before it goes to the dealer. The "enhanaced" data coming out of the OBD port should tell you exactly what subsystem is creating the problem.

  13. #13
    Tech Team

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    Eustis, FL
    sounds like electrical problem. i would have guessed bad battery, but since you replaced it... maybe loose connection somewhere. get it to the dealer.

  14. #14
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    Palm Beach Gardens, FL
    Thanks guys for comments and concerns. I'll answer some of them below. The car is at Tator's, Chuck is on it...will know more Monday hopefully, and advise. Thru a code at Tator's "air leak between throttle body and intake valve". Was checked, not problem. For what's it's worth, Also had a PM on VCA supposidly via SRT, that it sounds like a damaged harness issue, and that I may be contacted. The Wizard says, "lots of new stuff, but it's still a Viper" :-)

    <<Oil level>>

    full but showing no oil pressure, Chuch had it started briefly.


    Lifetime :-)

    <<loose wire somewhere, grounding>>

    Makes sense Tony...but then there is the erratic electronics, no oil pressure, etc...we'll soon see.

    <<scan tool>>

    Don't have one Jack, but Chuck is on it, and he's right around the corner. I will only go to dealer for a major engine, tranny, etc.

    <<ViperDan, car location>>

    Hi Dan, funny you should ask!!! I was in the process of bringing my car over to Tator's for trickle charger install, and scheduled pick up next Friday by Reliable (my road too narrow for Reliable). Hope it gets fixed in time, or I'll punt.


    Last time I saw a Viper of mine on a flat bed, it was a $53k repair bill...hope this one goes better.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Tysons Corner, VA
    Well at least this one isn't at the shop because of a deer

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Love Tator but he still can't do warranty work can he? If he can't do warranty work what does that mean for you issue? Will it be on your dime?

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by ViperSmith View Post
    Well at least this one isn't at the shop because of a deer
    No, that one was on me, no deer...plain stupidity, but that's history.

  18. #18
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    Quote from 09viperacr: "Love Tator but he still can't do warranty work can he? If he can't do warranty work what does that mean for you issue? Will it be on your dime?"

    Ye of little faith...where there is will, there is always a way...sometimes, maybe, kinda...
    Last edited by F2V; 12-21-2013 at 03:23 PM. Reason: forgot to include the quote I was responding to

  19. #19
    I hate reading stuff like this. IMO the ONLY bad thing about the car is the service experience. I wish they had SRT exclusive dealerships so the consumer could have confidence in their service experience. Most viper guys wouldn't let a dealer even put air in their tires. Alas, when my 1st oil change came last month, I had my personal mechanic do it.

    What good is a warranty ( ESP a lifetime one ) that you are afraid to utilize? This dilemma is the single exclusive concern I have about staying in the brand. Too bad because I do like the car. However this consideration will be weighed heavily when I decide whether or not to upgrade to the vert when it drops.

    Don't get me wrong it's great if you live near Woodhouse or Roanke etc. but those types of dealerships are few and far between.

  20. #20
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    Red face

    Quote Originally Posted by Policy Limits View Post
    I hate reading stuff like this. IMO the ONLY bad thing about the car is the service experience. I wish they had SRT exclusive dealerships so the consumer could have confidence in their service experience. Most viper guys wouldn't let a dealer even put air in their tires. Alas, when my 1st oil change came last month, I had my personal mechanic do it.

    What good is a warranty ( ESP a lifetime one ) that you are afraid to utilize? This dilemma is the single exclusive concern I have about staying in the brand. Too bad because I do like the car. However this consideration will be weighed heavily when I decide whether or not to upgrade to the vert when it drops.

    Don't get me wrong it's great if you live near Woodhouse or Roanke etc. but those types of dealerships are few and far between.
    Policy, your point(s) are extremely well taken...especially for a $100k++ exotic, and the Viper is exotic! Wonder if SRT is reading and taking notes yet, on your valid if they don't already have their hands full. I am fortunare that Chuck (Viper Wizard) is right around the corner (and I needed really fast action to meet my pick up for Florida next friday), and financially comfortable to forgo a minor warranty claim (if it comes to that).

    I took a lifetime (as long as I own the car) warranty because...I've never seen one before; I plan on keeping this car (lots planned for future:-) till my end, and my sons are chopping on the bit; For major big warranty work, I would send it back to WoodHouse.

    BTW, is it just me, or is it boring up north in the (almost) winter :smilielol

  21. #21
    I suspect they (SRT) don't care about 1,000 or so cars & their owners. The money is in the mass produced volume units.

    Northeast events are limited. These days supercarroadtrips and Tutto Italiano are the only events I feel are worth while to attend. There's an Italian event near you in Farmington that I've always wanted to attend but felt it was far for me called Concorso. I hear the Larz Anderson Auto Museum might have an event next season called "Exotica" which sounds like fun because non Italian brands will be welcome as well.

    Hope your car gets sorted. Keep us posted on progress.

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    The land of two incarcerated governors
    Quote Originally Posted by Policy Limits View Post
    I suspect they (SRT) don't care about 1,000 or so cars & their owners. The money is in the mass produced volume units.

    Northeast events are limited. These days supercarroadtrips and Tutto Italiano are the only events I feel are worth while to attend. There's an Italian event near you in Farmington that I've always wanted to attend but felt it was far for me called Concorso. I hear the Larz Anderson Auto Museum might have an event next season called "Exotica" which sounds like fun because non Italian brands will be welcome as well.

    Hope your car gets sorted. Keep us posted on progress.
    That is where their stupidity would lie then. I do own a Viper, but then I purchased a Jeep and Durango. I will be honest, having Ralph as the CEO says a lot to most of us and has had at least a little to do with other purchases we have made from Dodge.

    I will guess you had something shorting in the loom, it either burned in the clear or welded itself to something. Maybe a ground reference which would help the theory of why the electronics were acting erratically afterward. The arcing sound was hopefully just a relay that couldn't pick up properly because of the lack of ground reference.

  23. #23
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    A few people have had issues, even major and have been well taken care of by SRT. SRT does care

  24. #24
    I'm not so sure. Don't you remember that lemon law fiasco? The launch? The delays? Making custom order guys wait extensively while dealer cars were pumped out and sat ( and continue to sit ) on lots?

    And this is all after bankruptcy and a bailout? There's an expression, he who forgets history is doomed to repeat it.

    Don't get me wrong the car is cool. But like F2V says my concerns about dealer service are very valid; look At him with a life time warranty that he paid extra money for and then he goes to chuck.

  25. #25
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    Once people bought the car, SRT is a different beast. All besides Kris's issue they have been fantastic to everyone I've heard has had any type of issue.

    People failed to publicly share issues on the old forum due to trolls, but SRT has stepped up to help owners once cars were in hands.

    Even with the issue Kris had they were working to resolve it, IMHO he was correct going the buy back route. I agree they should have handled it better overall.

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