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  1. #1

    Aug 15 Car Show Pearl River NY

    Ladies and Gentleman

    I run a Car show on Aug 15th at the Central Ave. field in Pearl River NY for the Rockland County Traffic Safety Board and the Police Chiefs Foundation

    100% of the proceeds will be going to the purchase of a driving simulator that will be used at schools all around the county to show kids how dangerous it is to text and drive.

    There will be some really cool cars and trucks along with some of our Sheriff / Police departments SWAT trucks, cars, motorcycle and Helicopter. (landing before cars arrive)

    Its a low key fun event so you don't have to stay the whole day. Very easy to come on and off the field . I know there is a cool cruise/dinner that afternoon . If anyone want a fun event prior please come out and display your cool cars.

    I would appreciate anyone that can attend

    (Any Vipers get 1 free Hot Dog on me )
    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #2
    Guys this is going to be a lot of fun!! I'm planning on it!

  3. #3
    Steve, as of right now I will see you sat. If any changes on my end I will let you know asap

  4. #4
    Big thanks to everyone that came out on Sat. The show worked out great and raised a lot of money that will go towards Rockland County Traffic Safety Board buying a driving simulator to take to the High Schools to teach the dangers of texting and driving.

    Great to see everyone , I know it was a long drive for you guys.

    Thank you for your support



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