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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Driving around with contaminated fluids braking at 95% while squirting WD40 in people's locks

    Sean Roe interested in feedback

    Got an email from him requesting level of interest on an another production of blowers. Sounds like the same one he made before. He's trying to gauge interest. I have 2 of them including some modifications he won't include, so I don't need another. Just passing this along. Please contact him directly if you are interested.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2015
    MacDill AFB
    That's good news indeed...but as we've seen over the years; "interest" vs. actually buying can be a tricky proposition. I'll be selling my set-up next spring and although there will definitely be 'interest' in my system, finding someone to actually buy will be challenging. You know the deal better than anyone.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Rocky Mountains
    With the bigger blower coming from Prefix/Tomball for GEN V, if that blower is somehow used, then yes. Older setup, no! At least for me anyway. I realize that requires new base intake. But is intercooled too.

  4. #4
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    Oct 2014
    Driving around with contaminated fluids braking at 95% while squirting WD40 in people's locks
    The new G5 setup you are referring to will be quite expensive on a Gen 2 as compared to an old school Roe. You will need G4 heads too. Plus all the other aspects that conversions take. So a used Roe at $5K will still be a desirable package to some based on cost etc. Although I doubt ellow will sell his for that amount. I could sell both of mine for $5K each and come out just fine. If I decide to do something different. I'm currently not unhappy tho.

  5. #5
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    Rocky Mountains
    Quote Originally Posted by dave6666 View Post
    The new G5 setup you are referring to will be quite expensive on a Gen 2 as compared to an old school Roe. You will need G4 heads too. Plus all the other aspects that conversions take. So a used Roe at $5K will still be a desirable package to some based on cost etc. Although I doubt ellow will sell his for that amount. I could sell both of mine for $5K each and come out just fine. If I decide to do something different. I'm currently not unhappy tho.
    Dave, this is what I was trying to say, can that Roe setup as is, not be modified just for the new G5 supercharger unit as opposed to the Whipple unit. Just use the newer blower unit? No head changes, just a modified intake where it mounts?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coloviper View Post
    Dave, this is what I was trying to say, can that Roe setup as is, not be modified just for the new G5 supercharger unit as opposed to the Whipple unit. Just use the newer blower unit? No head changes, just a modified intake where it mounts?
    I'm not exactly following your logic here, but it's the intake manifold that makes the blower kit exclusive. And it's an expensive part. So by the time you change the blower itself and make a new intake to adapt it, you have probably exceeded the original purchase price.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    I have to be honest, the pricing is going to dictate the interest. I am finding out as I go that a NA motor is expensive to build, so if the cost was kept in line with similar or better output, the interest would be there. Is there anything in the works for some type of intercooler?

  8. #8
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    There are some individuals tinkering with intercoolers, but I do not believe Sean is, nor would at the suggested pricing it be included if he was.

  9. #9
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    I doubt if it will happen. People will say they are interested and when it comes time actually to buy there's no cash.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by PittsburghRT View Post
    I doubt if it will happen. People will say they are interested and when it comes time actually to buy there's no cash.
    This. The reality of this is that Sean will only be able to produce these IF people actually pay up for them. It's one thing to say "I'm interested" but another to follow through and put down cash so Sean can produce them. I believe he needs 50?commitments in order to make the dollars work for this. Lots of people were interested in 2007/2008 too. I doubt this will happen and not because of a lack of effort by Sean.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Buffalo, NY Area
    Enjoyed a Roe Blower for years on my 2001 ACR. Just sold it. Went quick. Go Steelers.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by VENIMUS View Post
    Enjoyed a Roe Blower for years on my 2001 ACR. Just sold it. Went quick. Go Steelers.
    You sold the blower or the car? Or both?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Lancaster, PA
    I could not be happier with my GEN 1 Roe Blower, installed in 2006.
    Pulls like a raped moose.


  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by RedEnuf93 View Post
    I could not be happier with my GEN 1 Roe Blower, installed in 2006.
    Pulls like a raped moose.

    that looks awesome

  15. #15
    i am hoping to get one.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    South of London, Surrey
    Would love one but can't afford one + the price we pay for Gas here compared to you guys I could not afford to run the car, unlike a lot of people in the UK i actually use my car

  17. #17
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    A one off custom manifold with no volume can be had for $3500. It's not that big of a deal, problem is...... Viper vendors are used to huge margins (I get it). The big dogs (except for Paxton) have no desire to build a properly designed high output blower package for the Viper. For the time being the GEN I, II cars are cheap and not attractive to the ballers with cash. Down the road when prices shoot up, it'll be all about bone stock cars. Rock in a hard place. Years ago when I did my car, I thought long and hard about the Roe. I love the look of that package, but with such a tiny blower, non CARB compliance and an extra 100 lbs of weight exactly where you don't want it. I had to pass. The look and the instant torque will make a believer out of anyone on the street. If you think a N/A build is cheaper than a blower package your in for a rude awakening. On the other hand, if your like most, more is never enough. The right approach is to build a N/A car first with the right head and cam package that will accommodate a blower in the future.

    All that said, I don't see why Sean doesn't pump a few units out and have them on hand. It's not like he hasn't made his money on R&D many times over. There is always an interest, even if it's one or two units a year.
    Last edited by Camfab; 08-02-2015 at 01:50 PM.

  18. #18
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    What is the main and for that matter, difference between the Roe and Paxtons?

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by slitherv10 View Post
    What is the main and for that matter, difference between the Roe and Paxtons?
    Blower type, manifold type, performance type.

    Basically, everything.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Fayetteville NC
    Most exciting Viper news I've heard in awhile. I'd love one for my car.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Great product! Loved my 96 during the Roe days.

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    West Chilcotin,
    I have a huge hp TT and a Roe blown GTS. I love my Roe car!

    My TT is the way to go if you want stupid fast. 9 sec on pumpgas and 1100whp. Over 1500whp on race gas. Great for fast, not so great for street driving as the power is uncontrollable. Purchased Motec and suspension parts to add TC and dash controlled boost control. It takes wrinkle slicks to have any traction.

    My Roe GTS is awesome. It is easy to control and an amazing car that has instant throttle repsonse. The full boost at 2000rpm is what make the TS blower so unique and (IMO) better than the other FI options. I drive my Roe car to competitions as far away as 2200miles (SSCC in Vegas) and I've driven it cross continent a few times. My Roe GTS gets 20mpg(US) on the hwy. I added Nitrous for the days when there are 900whp cars to compete with. My Roe GTS is about 700+whp.

    I would like a little more power and plan to change to a KB Megablower to my Roe build. I know this will mean adding a hood scoop and chopping my hood, but in a few years ...

  23. #23
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    I am hoping to get into a GTS within the next couple of months, and the biggest disappointment to me has been that the ROE supercharger is no longer available. If they were to come back, even for a short period of time, I would be all over that like a pig in shit! 99 GTS black on black with a roe system is my absolute dream car....

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by HKViper View Post
    I am hoping to get into a GTS within the next couple of months, and the biggest disappointment to me has been that the ROE supercharger is no longer available. If they were to come back, even for a short period of time, I would be all over that like a pig in shit! 99 GTS black on black with a roe system is my absolute dream car....
    Well if that's what you are after, why not find one already done and save yourself some big bucks?

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fatboy 18 View Post
    Well if that's what you are after, why not find one already done and save yourself some big bucks?
    Trust me, if it were that simple I would. I could probably tell you every car with the mileage, price and location that is available online right now. I search every day, looking, plotting and planning, just waiting for the right one to come available to buy.

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