Nothing of value to add to the VOA
Best wishes to the VOA - Good-Bye
Nothing of value to add to the VOA
Best wishes to the VOA - Good-Bye
Last edited by ViperJeff; 12-24-2013 at 10:54 PM.
Very talented!
ViperJeff can you do something with this.
Awesome, I love the VOA touch in the upper corner.
Team Viper...
Jeff does it again!
Oh cool!! I see myself!!!! LOL
Just one word....WOW !!!!
Way to go Jeff, Bruce called me and said he was really excited to see his favorite show, " Mama Mia" was also in the shot, ha,ha.
Unreal, got a feeling there will some green passing your way , as that shot of Bruce three beasts is fantastic. Love the one with the car at Monte Carlo ---- now I have to find a good picture of my ACR so you can stick do a track shot.
Absolutely one of the best threads so far !!!!!
Hi Jeff, just wondering, if you look at my avatar, is that your handy work? I found the pic on the internet!
Freaking AWESOME! I love the one you did for BlknBlu...
I am fond of it too.