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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Bradenton, Florida

    limited numbers of TA 2.0s out there ????

    Hey guys. Just following up with some rumors that TA 2.0 production has pretty much ceased. In conversation with Billl pemmington from Woodhouse and apparently heard from a source that there may not even be 32 produced in each color as was simply a factitious number. I have 0/11 but assumed tht meant 0/11 in y ' orange and assuming once again that by time reaches 32.... production stops when in actuality 0/11 just simply states I'm the 11th of all 2.0's built at factory. Is there a way or does any member have "in" with production managers at Chrysler to see how many 2.0s are out there now and if production on 2.0 has come to an end ? Kind of excites me thinking I many be one of the last TA 2.0s produced in,world. My VIN # is 431


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Washington D.C.
    TA 2.0 numbers will roll over into 2016 model year.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Deadmonton, Albertastan, Canada
    Plus the 2.0 wing is hideous :P that's why there aren't many
    Last edited by donk_316; 07-24-2015 at 08:40 PM.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by donk_316 View Post
    Plus the 2.0 wing is hideous :P that's why there aren't many
    I dig it. Looks mean as hell.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Chico, Ca
    I'm not a fan of the wing either. Too flashy for an everyday car... But if that is what you're going for ,or you're going to track the car then it's sweet and serves a purpose. I like the look on a track or in a showroom. My wife and multiple other chicks said wing was too much.... Car is sexy enough without it

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Bradenton, Florida
    I,agree. I think wing looks good. Actually the 1st day I picked it up I was drawn for some reason to aero. Seems symmetrical with body and in line. Looking at acr extreme just to overpowering. Ha. Would really like to know however how many "total " TAS were built in 2015 and certainly in yorange.

  7. #7
    My vin's last 3 digits are 256. Will have to see which # my TA 2.0 is.

  8. #8
    They are still building TAs as far as i know

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    I'm #005, and long live the WING!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Deadmonton, Albertastan, Canada
    Yeah looks like a "oh snap, we better throw a wing on this and call it a 2.0!" thought.

    Its your car, if you're happy that's all that matters. Personally, i went TA 1.0

  11. #11
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    Park City &ST. George ,Utah/ Laguna Beach,CA
    Quote Originally Posted by donk_316 View Post
    Yeah looks like a "oh snap, we better throw a wing on this and call it a 2.0!" thought.

    Its your car, if you're happy that's all that matters. Personally, i went TA 1.0
    I think you've been donked to many times,lol.......The wing generates more downforce than the advanced aero on the TA1 and my GTS. 08-10 ACRs had a similar setup. I highly doubt SRT just slapped a wing on it as a gimmick. Some like wings,some dont and as you said Its your car, if you're happy that's all that matters......

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Deadmonton, Albertastan, Canada
    Chill dude. i said it "looks like".... my opinon. thats all.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by donk_316 View Post
    Chill dude. i said it "looks like".... my opinon. thats all.
    Not mad to begin with....notice the lol and the smiley face in the post. So are you saying "In Your Opinion" it looks tacked on,lol????

  14. #14
    I just looked on the plate inside my Comp Blue and its #12

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    It requires a proper wing to generate more down force than duck bills on the Z06 and TA 1.0 can generate. Nothing more to it.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Deadmonton, Albertastan, Canada
    No one is saying the wing doesn't work. No one is arguing the fact that the wing generates more downforce than the 1.0

    It's just ugly.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by donk_316 View Post
    It's just ugly.
    You know what they say about opinions...

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by donk_316 View Post

    It's just ugly.
    Damn really speak what's on your mind don't you? LOL
    Last edited by Rapidrezults; 07-26-2015 at 09:44 PM.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Bradenton, Florida
    Just having a hard time seeing "ugliness" in the aero donk. Think symmetry ,size and shape is decent .. simple and not too complicated and oh yeah.. downforce well take. I mean so maybe u spice it up a Lil wiyh stripes or viperpiv powder coat which is cool. I really consider it a finishing touch as well as splitters and extensions that Def separate from a 1.0. I can also tell u that u have had at least 20 enthusiast say tail looks kick ass esp with black gloss brackets coming off .. going into my y orange beautiful aero anyhow back to subject if anyone can,find out production of 2.o this year let me know. I have my,sealer trying to get some info from Chrysler this week.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Alberta Canada
    It's really all personal opinion. I think ACR's and 2.0s are sweet. But I'd pick the 1.0 aero as well based on looks..... well, that, and my local track only has one set of turns fast enough for aero to function..... lol

    But if I got me a 2.0, I wouldn't exactly remove the spoiler either.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Wondering if you could have the best of both worlds? Can you remove the wing when not on track?

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    San Diego County
    Quote Originally Posted by LmeaViper View Post
    Wondering if you could have the best of both worlds? Can you remove the wing when not on track?
    Yes! There are 4 visible bolts on the underside of the hatch. Easy money!

  23. #23
    I had a 10 ssg le acr and was real fond of that wing. I liked the gen 5 viper, but when that ta 2.0 came out with the wing I had to have 1. If the acr had come out prior to the ta 2.0 I would have got it. I really like the wing, even it is not as wild as my old acr. Different strokes for different folks.

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    Blair, Nebraska
    Sorry, but you misunderstood what I was trying to tell you and I apologize for not being clearer. As I mentioned the internet and Forums are the ones that stated there would be only 33 made in each color of the TA 2.0s , and as I pointed out your car does not say 1 of 33 , it just has a number. More and more folks are slowly beginning to realize that just because it is on the internet that does not remotely mean it is gospel. There is no Internet Police and we often get carried away with what we believe, if it appears logical. This rumor was all started by the fact that the previous year saw the orange , white and black done is specific numbers and everyone was aware of this. They decided to number the 2015 TA 1.0s and 2.0s , but just that and nothing more. There are fewer in each color and model, because the TAs were supposed to be an ordered for customer car only --in other words no Dealer Inventory numbers. Not sure why you thought the TA ceased production as I have 2016 ordered and did not mention that.

    As noted one can order a 2016 ( we have already done so) in both a TA 1.0 and a TA 2.0. Again the numbers may be skewed number wise, as they are still classified as a customer ordered car, not a vehicle just for inventory.

    Hope this better explains things?
    Last edited by Bill Pemberton; 07-27-2015 at 11:35 AM.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Bradenton, Florida
    Gotcha bill. Yeah I was a bit confused there as now understand that 2015 will roll into 16. Does that mean then numbers will continue to increase on dashes. For example , if mine says 0/11 and is a 15 model and saying factitiously that i,was considered the "last " model of 2015 and we roll into 2016 would the next model say 0/12? Just confusing bc seems 1.0 models (correct me if wrong) says 3
    2/32. ..4/32. Etc. So production then of say yorange color will completely cease when reaches 32 no matter if even rolls in 2017?
    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Pemberton View Post
    Sorry, but you misunderstood what I was trying to tell you and I apologize for not being clearer. As I mentioned the internet and Forums are the ones that stated there would be only 33 made in each color of the TA 2.0s , and as I pointed out your car does not say 1 of 33 , it just has a number. More and more folks are slowly beginning to realize that just because it is on the internet that does not remotely mean it is gospel. There is no Internet Police and we often get carried away with what we believe, if it appears logical. This rumor was all started by the fact that the previous year saw the orange , white and black done is specific numbers and everyone was aware of this. They decided to number the 2015 TA 1.0s and 2.0s , but just that and nothing more. There are fewer in each color and model, because the TAs were supposed to be an ordered for customer car only --in other words no Dealer Inventory numbers. Not sure why you thought the TA ceased production as I have 2016 ordered and did not mention that.

    As noted one can order a 2016 ( we have already done so) in both a TA 1.0 and a TA 2.0. Again the numbers may be skewed number wise, as they are still classified as a customer ordered car, not a vehicle just for inventory.

    Hope this better explains things?

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