My cars are both on maintainers when not in use. The 14 just reached a full charge after about 28 hours so it was pretty low. In the past the maintainer would get an error occasionally and the yellow light would start flashing which indicates that the maintainer was unable to complete charging the battery. I thought that maybe it wasn't grounded properly or the battery was already fully charged and that caused the error somehow. Now I have to believe that something is draining it down and most likely the hatch not being closed all the way.
It does not take long to get in trouble, a battery is considered dead at 85% of nominal.
Use a 1 amp leakage X 24 hours, that is 24 amp-hrs. That battery will die quickly.
I have measured other cars and 50-75 MA seems normal for a car at rest, although,i have not measured a G5 yet.
Easy enough to test at home...Ignition Off Draw (IOD) test. After shutting all systems off, lowering windows, and waiting a couple of minutes for the time out's to occur, read the milliamps of current with digital multimeter between negative battery terminal and negative cable. I have not checked Gen V Service Manual for normal max, but in other years it has been called abnormal current flow if greater than 35 milliamps. Full instructions are in all Viper Service Manuals.
I'm not speculating. Read my post again. This was an issue another another member stated. I think he said the dealership replaced his battery twice. He, apparently, was one of the original people to identify the problem. I'm just relaying the information. That is not speculating.
Last edited by lochnessmonster; 07-15-2015 at 01:22 AM.
Here's what I see as possible causes so far:
Hatch not fully closed
Door handle issue
Battery compromised from sitting uncharged too long on dealer lot
Left car in ACC on mode
Key too close and communicating with perimeter scan
As I side bar, for those having to slam their hatches or having trouble, take a look at the info I posted about adjusting the latch. I tuned mine in, and it shuts beautifully with little force. Prior to that, I had to slam it. Let me know if I can help, I spent several hours finding the best way to fine tune it so I didn't have to shut it hard.
These just arrived. Looks way better than I expected even with the great reviews. It's smaller than my LG G2 phone in the Otter Box case. It's supposed to be able to do 20 jump starts and can even be used as a portable charger for my phone and laptop etc... multi adapter included... What a deal if it lives up to the reviews !
Last edited by v10enomous; 07-16-2015 at 02:09 PM.
Got the car from the dealer yesterday, and they said the BCM update was most likely the cause for the car acting up. Haven't noticed any lights on last night, I'll update if something changes, but hope that the issue is resolved now.
Is that one of these you think ?
I just want to provide a quick update on this problem.
It's been a month since my battery died and I believe that my particular problem is solved now. I firmly believe that having the key fobs in my office just 6' away from the car on the other side of the wall was the problem. Since buying the car a year ago, I was never able to get the maintainer to consistently green light a completed charge while up on the lift. I would need to unplug and the re-plug the maintainer in several times. Since I moved the key fobs to a new location further from the car, the maintainer consistently completes the charge in less than a day each time I put the car away without fail.
I'm not sure if the key fob proximity to the car draining the battery is an actual problem or just the way the car is but at any rate, the workaround is to just move the key at least 20' from the car when it's in storage or I suppose use hibernation mode.
Last edited by v10enomous; 08-12-2015 at 11:57 AM.
My car drains the battery so fast within a week if undriven. I'm sure I have some faulty circuit or some kind of slow relay. I tried a lot of troubleshooting but it goes and come. Battery replaced 2 times already in less than a quarter.
Will try more troubleshooting soon when I'm back home!
i had this problem this morning. dead battery. i just drove it a week ago. my car in under the first 12 months since being purchased new. does anyone know if the battery is covered.
also i have not had the door recall done so not sure if this is related.
any precautions i should take in jumping it?
I have a Track Pack car like you, so we probably have similar build dates. I have not had the door recall done either, but I do leave it in hibernation mode when not driving (car can sit for 2+ weeks at a stretch). Since you just drove it a week ago, not sure why this happened.
Knock wood, hoping she starts on Saturday as I have plans to take her out!
Last edited by swexlin; 12-03-2015 at 01:46 PM.