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  1. #1

    Welcome new members......

    I just wanted to say Welcome to our newest VOA members Dean & Janet Browning. Looking forward to meeting and rolling on some runs with you two.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Tucson, Arizona
    Don't believe him. It's a trap. He is setting you up for something. Green ACR drivers are, as a rule, sneaky like that.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    ....actually I think Green Viper owners are color blind,,, they thought they were getting the correct color, RED, but to them green looks red,,,, I pity the fool...... lolol

  4. #4
    You guys crack me up.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Tucson, Arizona
    Quote Originally Posted by 95Viper View Post
    ....actually I think Green Viper owners are color blind,,, they thought they were getting the correct color, RED, but to them green looks red,,,, I pity the fool...... lolol
    I know. Poor little green owners. And to think some salesman swindled them out of their money by taking advantage of their disability. They tried to have a march in support of green rights but while marching they thought the red light was green and all got hit crossing the street. Luckily no good looking red Vipers were damaged in the process.

    We are doing a great job of welcoming Dean and Janet, aren't we? Welcome new members. As you can clearly see, this is all just for goofs. We like to have fun. If that fun has to come at the expense of a green owner, well that's just gravy.

  6. #6
    And to think, all of you could have had pretty blue cars instead.

  7. #7 I actually haven't been on in a few weeks. First off, we ALL KNOW that GREEN just happens to be the FASTEST color. Alex Mills, your ride deff looks great. Keep your eyes out for some runs that are coming in the near future.



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