Hi Everyone,
We have a limited supply of upgraded aftermarket crankshafts available. These are drop ins with standard main and rod journal sizes for all Gen 4 and 5 engines. They can be used on Gen 3’s if the reluctor ring is machined and replaced with a correct pattern for 2003-2006. 2003 and 2004 will also require the proper placement of the flywheel dowel pin.
The journals have been revised with smaller lightening holes (stronger), the oil exit hole in rod journal pin has been redressed to reduce sharp edge, and a leading edge chamfer has been ground in. They’ve been micro polished, cleaned, 40 year corrosion protection sprayed on, and wrapped. They are safe to put on the shelf for many years if needed.
Available immediately and for a limited time at only $1,381.69 plus shipping.
Email Sean@RoeRacing.com, or call us at (904) 230-5422 to place an order.