Are there any VOA site supporters yet?
Are there any VOA site supporters yet?
i know a few in the works.
According to the Wizard, there are a significant number of site sponsors ready to go. Now, Chuck doesn't get too excited very easily unless he's passed by a Yellow Viper which happens on occasion. So for Chuck to be this should be stellar for the VOA. If you can't wait for the details contact Chuck.
The ALLEY for example has both. Member passion allows voluntary payments as Site Supporters.
There is a separate catagory here for SPONSORS (Vendors) but unsure about Supporters.
PartsRack tried to pay and become a site SPONSOR weeks ago. Sent in my banner and commitments. But 1 day later, order was placed on HOLD. Quite understandably all 'web talent' was and is focused on developing membership registrations FIRST. Sponsor stuff is a lot more complicated.
VOA now says that on or about Dec 15 Vendors can become Sponsors.
Jon is correct above.
And to answer the first question from Leslie, we have a long wonderful line of people who stepped up big time!
The website is also built out (you'll see link at bottom of the web pages). There will also be a sponsor section page that will highlight all sponsors. Also, each vendor will also get their very own forum.
Lots of great concepts and this program was built very quickly when a lot of other stuff was going on. I want to thank all of our marketing guys - Chuck, Adrian, John, and also our "web dude". They've worked hard to get the program in place in parallel with everything else happening. Committed and passionate people.
I would like to personally thank all the vendors/sponsors who have shown interest in supporting the VOA and we appreciate your patience and understanding while working on the site.
That's great to hear Alex!
Jonb-yeh, good question, wondered about sponsors and supporters.
Am hoping VOA doesn't take on anybody with past concerns (CM at VPoA for example)..?
Yes, we do have "the right to refuse service". ;.)
Just playing devil's advocate here...I hope anyone doesn't take this as my personal endorsement or condemnation of any specific vendors.
I understand there's going to be a lot of contention about CM/VPoA etc...but what about vendors who have had mixed reviews on the other site (long delivery times, partial deliveries), or even long past issues (part swappers and rip-offs or lies/lawsuits unresolved years ago)?
How much openness and inclusion is there and how much forgiveness is there going to be from actions that are in the past but not drawn from experiences here (obviously because everything is net new)?
Chuck has all info. See the Wizard.........
Chorps, for example if you had know luck with a vendor returning your call and etc……..I will call him and set up a conference call where all party's will discuss the problem and try to come to a fair solution. To my knowledge I don't think any Viper Club have put this kind of effort in for their members.
Great, thanks for the clarification.
Despite XXX BLK's best efforts and intentions, this will always be an issue. By accepting advertising from a vendor, there is no implied warranty or recommendation of any kind from the VOA regarding said vendor.
That being said, we are all part of the "Viper community" and to whatever extent we can help resolve a dispute, we're certainly willing if not necessarily able. BUT all members should practice " buyers beware" when purchasing. Far too often folks don't utilize the forum for vendor information BEFORE they purchase. They'll research and negotiate price for weeks, but won't spend 15 minutes to inquire about a vender. Go figure.
2008 SRT10 Open Roof (1 of 2)
2022 BMW X5M Comp
Resident Misanthrope
Well, it appears one of the problem vendors (and most regular offender)is already here with a different screen name. Imho he shouldn't have been allowed in unless his reputation improved.