Local, small town July 4 parade yesterday, I carried a pageant attendant. Slow, 2 mile'ish loop. Engine temps were fine, but footwell seemed quite hot. When parade was over, I could really smell burning coming from passenger side. Silver side sill is now brown, bubbled threshold, plastic "viper" strip is a bit distorted/melted from heat. I grabbed my hard-top, got out on road as soon as I could to cool down the sill. Even the door and rear tire were too hot to touch. I just knew any minute it was going to flame up. Will be carrying extinguisher with me from now on.
-Hi-flow cats are 2 yrs old with less than 4000 miles on them.
-I'm lowered 1.5" (limited air flow?)
-passenger side only, driver side was fine
-WBO (driver side) stayed in 15.5-16.5 range during idling through parade
-no sill vents in front or rear.....yet.
Could it be the heat shield is out of place? Lack of air flow?
I just reset PCM after IAC install a day earlier and only had 20 miles on test runs and start/stop cycles.
Could idling/creeping along for that long after a PCM reset be bad?
Lean mixture cause overheat situation on cat?
Why only one side?
Asking for thoughts on possible causes.
pic to follow (on phone)