Originally Posted by
Bryan Savage
A quick update in case anyone cares...
Car is still at Prefix. Eric says the parts are all painted, but there's some bracket or something on backorder until September 22nd. My fingers are tied in knots being crossed so many times that I have it back before the cruise I'm supposed to help host on October 3rd. If I don't, I'll be leading it on a bicycle.
Now comes the ranting portion:
I realise that MY needs do not outweigh the rest of everyone else's at Prefix and Dodge, but I find it astounding that in this day and age, whatever part(s) that are on backorder cannot be manufactured for me. This is the flagship car that Dodge makes, and I sent it back to the OEM for repairs, and they can't get this piece. There's no inventory at the factory, no extra inventory at the supplier, and no room in the production schedule at the supplier to spit out another one of whatever it is. This amazes me.
Now, with how rapid things can change, I understand how nobody wants any inventory. It's unreasonable for me to expect any manufacturer to retain even five of every single part to every single car they make. We'd have to colonise Mars just for the warehouse space. And especially how often part numbers change and parts are updated, naturally it makes sense not to stock anything at all.
But if all the parts are painted, that means the missing piece for my car isn't a hood. I would totally understand why it takes a while to get an extra hood. But you're telling me that there are ANY vehicles in production that you could yoink my part from? They're all hand-built, so an IOU note taped to the chassis will be seen. No cars that are so early in the assembly process that it wouldn't impact delivery? No pre-production cars destined for the crusher that you can swipe my bracket (or whatever) from? No parts leftover from the Roadkill Viper that you can grab?
While I appreciate how difficult it is to build cars, and how for me to truly appreciate it, I would have to order each piece for a 500-piece puzzle individually, coordinate their delivery to a parking lot in Alaska, make sure they all arrive in the same hour, and then put this puzzle together blindfolded in the rain, but geez louise. I bet Alibaba or Amazon has my parts on the shelf.
/cracks another beer