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  1. #126
    Join Date
    May 2015
    New York City
    Quote Originally Posted by Gonabite View Post
    Unfortunately 5K wont even get you all the parts you need to complete the job.

    Torque converter
    Custom Bellhousing adapter plate
    Custom Flexplate
    Custom DSS driveshaft
    TCU and wiring harness
    Tranny cooler and lines
    Custom interior work for a professional "factory like" look

    Labor of course and what ever else I may have left off the list. Easily putting you in the 10K and up area.
    Exactly, I dont think even $10K will cover it. You are probably going to need to replace the steering wheel (if you want paddles mounted on it) or the steering column (if you want paddles mounted on that).

    There is also going to be a whole lot of other little things that will need to be changed - like the need to reprogram/eliminate the mechanism that requires you to push the clutch pedal in to start the car.

  2. #127
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    The problem is that some G5 cars have a hard time putting all the power to the ground. As the hp goes up, the problem is exacerbated. The factory clutch is borderline at best on the stock G5. Add some hp and sticky tires, the oem clutch then becomes a liability.

    Even after-market clutches (not all) have issues since they have to fit into the confines made for the oem clutch. A good after-market clutch will cost $2,000 to $4,000. In addition, add the cost of installation and/or transportation, as you can see the after-market clutch gets expensive and you still have the same problem supplying power to the ground. Then, factor in the cost of a new manual trans or trans rebuild (from high hp abuse), this is another $2,000 to $5,000, this should make a good case for an auto. We have not talked about safety either, try shifting (foot to the floor) a 1000 hp (or greater) six speed at 150 mph.

    EK1 is right, the big issue is, an auto install is WAY north of $10K. Wait, I forgot, probably a change back to the 3.07 rear gears, another $2K-$3K

    Quote Originally Posted by q8blueviper View Post
    auto trans. on a viper !!!! I think the enjoyment of driving a viper is gone !

    but im interested to know what its gona be like if there is an auto tans. viper !
    biggest reason why the viper is out in 2017 cuz its manual = not selling will
    Last edited by Jack B; 11-27-2016 at 11:20 PM.

  3. #128
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Autos are how drag racers go really fast. I'm sure there's a market to be had.

  4. #129
    Tech Team

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    Mar 2015
    I have built and supplied many auto trans conversion kits for Viper customers that for various reasons could not use the clutch or drive a manual. They also work great for Turbo or SC cars. Vipers make enough torque that you don't need 8 speeds especially if boosted.


  5. #130
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Forney, TX
    Doing that would be the equivalent of cutting off your penis and calling yourself Caitlyn

  6. #131
    Join Date
    May 2015
    New York City
    A few short years ago I was looking for a sports car that does everything well - road, track, summer, winter, performance, reliability, etc. Obviously there is no such thing and anything you get will be compromised in one way or another. With most cars, you have to buy what you like most, instead of settling for less and trying to change it later. No matter what you buy will have shortcomings. I learned to embrace them and go with the flow. For example, I have been driving manuals on and off for the past 25 years. It's kind of cool and I have another '76 car with it, but I know I can put in much faster laps with an paddle shift auto or sequential box. Would I get an ACR with an auto if it was something as good as PDK? Very likely. Would I even think about modifying my ACR to an auto? Never. I may hate driving it in NYC gridlock at 5mph, but no matter what, I'll keep it just like it is now and will instead invest time and money into learning better heel & and toe technique in a Viper racing school. If I ever crave an insanely fast road legal track car with an auto (and can afford one), I'll look into a used Mac 675LT. They should drop down to $200K in 3-4 years. And Mclaren warranty fully covers their cars for track use. I met a guy (experienced track driver) that has one at an event and he can't stop raving about it.

  7. #132
    Quote Originally Posted by DonatoEng View Post
    I have built and supplied many auto trans conversion kits for Viper customers that for various reasons could not use the clutch or drive a manual. They also work great for Turbo or SC cars. Vipers make enough torque that you don't need 8 speeds especially if boosted.

    John did the transmission work on the 06' we converted and his work is top notch! we also use him for all our other transmission needs. John, any pictures you have form these builds would be sweet.

  8. #133
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    If you need any tranny work, John is on speed dial with tremec. In addition, he was the Dodge drive line engineer for the G1 and G2.

  9. #134
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Outside of Charlotte
    Wayne, what is the latest?

  10. #135
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    i would never convert it to auto, because my wife would try to drive it then, since she cant drive stick lol...

    someone around chicago area did it...
    Last edited by chicagopd50; 01-08-2017 at 04:13 PM.

  11. #136
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    Memphis, TN
    Quote Originally Posted by chicagopd50 View Post
    i would never convert it to auto, because my wife would try to drive it then, since she cant drive stick lol...

    someone around chicago area did it...
    That's cool

  12. #137
    Quote Originally Posted by chicagopd50 View Post
    i would never convert it to auto, because my wife would try to drive it then, since she cant drive stick lol...

    someone around chicago area did it...
    Cept that's not a gen 5 and the title of this thread is gen 5

  13. #138
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    You are going to see a major vendor announce an auto conversion very soon.

  14. #139
    Quote Originally Posted by Jack B View Post
    You are going to see a major vendor announce an auto conversion very soon.
    About fing time!!

  15. #140
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by twinvipers View Post
    about fing time!!

  16. #141
    Quote Originally Posted by Jack B View Post
    You are going to see a major vendor announce an auto conversion very soon.
    Hasn't the Auto conversion already been done on the GEN5?

  17. #142
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Yes, but, not in a prepackaged unit. For it to work it will have to physically non-invasive and have final gear ratio that allows highway travel.

    Quote Originally Posted by racegate View Post
    Hasn't the Auto conversion already been done on the GEN5?

  18. #143
    Any update on this?

  19. #144
    Quote Originally Posted by ek1 View Post
    I'll look into a used Mac 675LT. They should drop down to $200K in 3-4 years. And Mclaren warranty fully covers their cars for track use. I met a guy (experienced track driver) that has one at an event and he can't stop raving about it.
    The original McLaren warranty is only good for 3 years. After that, you can extend it for up until the car is 12 years old. It'll cost somewhere between $4.5-$6K a year (costs vary by dealer, region, haggling prowess, ...) annually. It can be done in increments of either 1 year or 2 years.

    But the extended warranty is quite different from the original McLaren warranty, for example:

    • It excludes coverage for many "less serious" things
    • It's provided via a third-party contract, so it may be more difficult to get things done as compared to when the car is in its initial 3-year honeymoon period
    • Most importantly, the extended warranty does not allow track use

    So, it's not as good as it sounds.

  20. #145
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Houston, Texas
    when the 675LT was limited to 500 units globally and 500 more for the spyder, its not going to be 200k in 3-4 years

  21. #146
    I have access to a 8l90, and interested on exploring the idea to install it in my GEN 3. Not an expert but I first things to consider are: 1. Will it fit? 2. External controller.

  22. #147

  23. #148
    Join Date
    Aug 2019
    Thinking of trading my gts in or doing an auto conversion. My issue is an injury with my left knee, sucks big time. Seems there is not easy turn key complete kit yet. Whom would I need to speak with in order to get this done?

  24. #149
    To install a 8L90 a serious amount of the trans tunnel would have to be modified, due to the size of the trans.

    We have installed a few 4L80's in vipers, we can do the install or you can buy the parts and do it yourself.
    RPM transmissions has done a few auto trans viper conversions as well.

  25. #150
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Outside of Charlotte
    Vengeance Racing out of GA installed a TH400 in their turbo car. Not sure that would be the route you would want to go, but I'm sure you could discuss options with them.

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