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  1. #26
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    South of London, Surrey
    Just put a brand new optima dry cell battery in my car, And yes, every time I get home the battery tender is connected.
    The interstate battery I pulled from the car was over 7yrs old, the charger kept it good all that time, but in the end it lost all cranking power very quickly.

  2. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by SSGNRDZ_28 View Post
    If the battery tender isn't recognizing the battery voltage is likely very low. You might be able to revive it by "jumping" it with another battery or vehicle to charge it to the point where the tender will recognize the battery and then it will complete the charging process.
    Bingo! I didn't realize the tender wouldn't recognize a very low voltage battery, which apparently it was. I jumped it and took it for a spin and it is fine. I got thrown because of that aftermarket hibernation device...I assumed it was operational but apparently it doesn't work at all!

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