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  1. #26
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Edmonton, Alberta
    Quote Originally Posted by Bugman Jeff View Post
    How many millions of cars go how many millions of miles on the cheapest gas possible? Modern fuel is already so full of detergents that anything extra is largely a waste. Fuel related buildup just isn't an issue worth worrying about.

    It's knock retard I am concerned about. So that's why I run Shell fuel. It seems to consistently give less KR with anyone I know that datalogs.

  2. #27
    Viktimize, what other fuel brands have you run?

  3. #28
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Bugman Jeff View Post
    How many millions of cars go how many millions of miles on the cheapest gas possible? Modern fuel is already so full of detergents that anything extra is largely a waste. Fuel related buildup just isn't an issue worth worrying about.
    Bugman Jeff,

    You have it right on. After retiring from the Air Force, my wife and I went into the convenience store business were we are considered an independent (No Branded Fuel). Which in our county accounts for approximately 70% of the places that sell fuel. Our supplier/delivery company purchases fuel from the cheapest source (ie. Exxon, SunCo,BP, Shell, Marathon, Murphy...) that's on the market for that day.

    Most the gas/diesel comes in the same pipeline (Colonial) from down in Texas/Louisiana all the way up the east coast. Some of the companies listed above will but their own additives and some will not. We sell over about 2 million gallons of fuel a year, and have never had a complaint about quality of the fuel. Just because you go to a non-Branded gas station, does not mean you are getting a lesser quality gasoline, more than likely you are still getting gas from a major gas refinery.

    We have had Exxon, SunCo, and a few other fuel companies approach us stating they will provide their signage (Canopy/Digit Gas price signs), but we would have to sign a 10-year contract and purchase fuel only through them at a 2-3 cent higher cost than what I could buy it for on the open market.

    So in the 10 years we have been in the business, I don't think one companies gas is any better than another, as long as you are getting the same octane level, its pretty much like you stated... gas is gas.

    Sorry if there is misspelled words I typing on an iPhone at my granddaughters dance rehearsal
    Last edited by CarolinaViper; 06-05-2015 at 04:25 PM.

  4. #29
    If they say its better idiots and their money will soon part.

    Last edited by VENMPWR; 06-05-2015 at 06:58 PM.

  5. #30
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Edmonton, Alberta
    Quote Originally Posted by ViperDog View Post
    Viktimize, what other fuel brands have you run?
    I've never datalogged my own vehicle. But either way, I generally run Shell anytime I can. I make the stuff so I tend to trust it more for some reason.

  6. #31
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Edmonton, Alberta
    Quote Originally Posted by CarolinaViper View Post
    Bugman Jeff,

    You have it right on. After retiring from the Air Force, my wife and I went into the convenience store business were we are considered an independent (No Branded Fuel). Which in our county accounts for approximately 70% of the places that sell fuel. Our supplier/delivery company purchases fuel from the cheapest source (ie. Exxon, SunCo,BP, Shell, Marathon, Murphy...) that's on the market for that day.

    Most the gas/diesel comes in the same pipeline (Colonial) from down in Texas/Louisiana all the way up the east coast. Some of the companies listed above will but their own additives and some will not. We sell over about 2 million gallons of fuel a year, and have never had a complaint about quality of the fuel. Just because you go to a non-Branded gas station, does not mean you are getting a lesser quality gasoline, more than likely you are still getting gas from a major gas refinery.

    We have had Exxon, SunCo, and a few other fuel companies approach us stating they will provide their signage (Canopy/Digit Gas price signs), but we would have to sign a 10-year contract and purchase fuel only through them at a 2-3 cent higher cost than what I could buy it for on the open market.

    So in the 10 years we have been in the business, I don't think one companies gas is any better than another, as long as you are getting the same octane level, its pretty much like you stated... gas is gas.

    Sorry if there is misspelled words I typing on an iPhone at my granddaughters dance rehearsal

    Gas is a regulated commodity, so it all meets specific minimum criteria required by the government for it to be sold, basically just what you said. The only thing you lose by buying off brand gasoline is one of the big brands special additive packages they use.

    In my area, Shell in particular has over blended gasoline usually. It's just the way we have to do it based on product inventory. There just isn't enough butane or light end product to blend regular gasoline down to 87 octane. So it routinely ends up being 89 octane instead.

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