So while the pumpkin is at the dealer unf**king the damage the so called tuner up here did to it during a simple header install... I wanted to pick y'alls brains on something that is potentially bugging the hell out of me. So before the headers and catback install, I would notice that after long hard driving the shifter ring and shifter post it's self would be hot to the touch, nothing that would burn skin, but noticeably hot. I thought no big deal, normal and I've always seen that in every manual sports car I've owned. AFTER the header install, holy god, that ring and shifter was ridiculously hot!!! Just letting it idle or sitting in traffic would heat it up bad. I'm hoping I can chalk this up to that exhaust leak on the driver side, as I also noticed once after letting the car sit and idle for about 10 minutes after driving around, that my clutch just went to the floor and I had a hell of a time getting it in gear. After a few miles on the road it cooled down and has shifted fine since.

I guess my question is: has anyone with American Racing Headers *non coated* experienced any major heat increase? Enough that your tranny and clutch/brake fluid are affected? I'm worried that after all this headache that I'll end up having to pull the headers and get them coated or wrapped, running into another "gasket nightmare".

A side *associated* question: What transmission/rear dif coolers would you suggest? I'm just wondering for when I move to AZ and start tracking it and showing Jeff *Vprbite* what real speed is