Originally Posted by
Snake Rider
Trust me there is nothing I would like more than to find out the root cause. I have thrown thousands of dollars at this problem already and if that expensive battery would work I would be happy. We don't even want to drive the car anymore because of the chance it will all of a sudden leave us stranded, it has happened many times. drive it, go in for lunch, come out ant it wont start. I am almost ready to get out a viper because of this. I have had it in to many shops to see many and multiple viper techs. They all tell me they cant find anything wrong, we all know something is wrong. Its gotten to the point where they want to install a battery shut off switch.
No aftermarket add ons and have tried different chargers
A few months after a new battery I can do a draw draw test and the battery is reading about 8 volts
I will mention the above suggestions to the tech and I sure hope it one of those
I just need to resort to something so I can enjoy my car