The City I live in does not allow you to use soap to wash your car in your driveway. You can use a pressure sprayer, but no soap.
The so called pressure wash facilities around here suck and you have to drive through dust and rock filled streets to get home afterwards, so the car tends to get a layer of shit on it before it ever dries. Just seems like such a waste of money for poor results.
So today, I decided to pressure wash the car today in my driveway (I have a good / decent pressure washer), however there was still a light layer of residue on the car when I was done, not necessarily dirt or grit but not fully clean either. So I washed it again and still basically had only slightly better or the same end results. I then dried the car very lightly with a good microfiber towel. Then used Maguires quick detailer. Not too thrilled about this approach, so I thought I would go to the masses for input.
So any suggestions as to how I can wash my car in my driveway and get good results without soap?