Anyone on here have experience with this lift? Seems like a good option for oil changes, brake work, etc.
Anyone on here have experience with this lift? Seems like a good option for oil changes, brake work, etc.
Looks nice. What is the cost of that versus a fixed 4 post or 2 post?
The 5000 lb version sales for around 1300
I'm looking at the exact same one as the car slid off stands on me a couple weeks ago. All the reviews online and on YouTube seem very positive. I haven't found a bad one as of yet. A friend of mine has one for his SRT300 and loves it. He has the DC version so he can bring it to the track with him.
While you can find some 2 post lifts in the $1800 range, I'm not sure about the thickness of my garage floor, nor do I have the height to make one fit.
I'm VERY close to buying mine, unless I find another option in the same price point and doesn't require rebuilding my garage.
I just installed a MaxJax. Worth giving it a look. Very happy with it and allows you full access to the underside of the car. Easy to get out of the way so it does not take up too much room when you want to use the whole garage for other projects or storage.
This would be my second choice. I have a tight one car garage and you have to walk past the car to get into the house, if you go through the garage. There's just no room to block either side of the car with the post for me. Trust me, I'd LOVE to have a bigger garage, but my zoning won't let me double it out so I'm stuck with what I have.
For a reliable, easy alternative to an installed lift - this has a lot of potential!
Looks pretty sweet, OP. I may have to look into that
Has anyone weighed a gen 2 gts lately? The quickjack comes in a 3500 lbs version as well
Better to overdo it than under do it. Plus, that way when you are using it on your Viper you are using a smaller portion of its duty cycle.