At least the Financial Oversite Comittee wasn't fooled by the VCA BOD.
At least the Financial Oversite Comittee wasn't fooled by the VCA BOD.
Next step would be combine clubs,maybe?,anyone?
Troublemaker... ;.)
In the distant past we did inform them that we'd be willing to absorb their members and transfer membership to the voa if/when they close their doors. However we will never merge, too much other stuff we won't get into here. All is definitely not fixed, and spin and lack of transparency continues to exist bigtime. Just let it all go until it all plays out.
I'm wondering why the vpa was all moved to texas, sounded like they were planning a run to make it work even recently. But we knew the costs were too high on storage and the conflicts would eventually catch up to them. They also lost many customers when so much was revealed the last few years, I'm sure that didn't help.
I would love to see the VOA absorb the VCA members. It's always bothered me being split from ALL viper owners. I don't want anything to do with the VCA organization, just want all the owners and cars back together as one.
Good to see two venders I already use, taking this positive step.
I feel the same.
The VOA doesn't have to "absorb" anyone. Any VCA member is welcome to sign up here at anytime.
Well almost any.
Last edited by Granger73; 05-12-2015 at 06:30 PM. Reason: Add
How many VCA members are even left?
I have to say I am happy for Jon B and do appreciate the irony that he is taking over the business that was originally set up to put him out of business by stealing his business model and attempting to stop him from reaching his customers. This is no accident though. Jon continued to do well despite these people's best efforts to shut him down. Jon has been a wonderful friend and asset with everything I have been through in the past few years and I am so glad to see this inventory in his hands where it will be well handled and distributed fairly.
Good for you Jon. I hope this is an incredibly positive move for you and all Viper owners.
Relieved and somewhat suprised this happened so quickly.
Why isnt Jon posting about this? He should be extatic. What a great turnaround for him. Congrats Jon. Truly a class act guy and a great vendor. I think the end is near at the VCA. Its like a ghost town over there.
Per Scharf employee on fb the VCA announced this prematurely and caught the involved parties off guard.
"but yeah, i dont have alot of answers, i just told Paul they did a press release on this today, and he was caught off guard, so i m guessing it was early since he didnt even tell his staff ( especially me!) about any of it"
You missed my meaning completely. I was expressing my pleasure that Jon was redeemed for all the undeserved crap he took. Though I haven't had "purchase" dealings with Paul other than having spoken with him a few times, I understand he is a standup guy. As others have mentioned, the irony is glaring.
As for your post, we have polar opposing opinions. And to quote myself, if you are not content here, you're SO damn welcome to leave.![]()
Last edited by City; 05-13-2015 at 10:28 AM.
2008 SRT10 Open Roof (1 of 2)
2022 BMW X5M Comp
Resident Misanthrope
Wait didn't the VCA members technically own the VPA? Where is my check?![]()