Originally Posted by
That is a logical consequence of your worldview but I think that caring for the weakest among us is greater than not caring for them. Be happy that you enjoy a world where everyone doesn't live out the logical conclusion of your worldview as you do. Followed logically, Under your view there are no objective moral oughts and ought nots, it baffles me how you can proclaim speed law enforcement to be wrong.
The problem is that you can only observe an calculate which is observable and can be calculated. Further, a person who travels at greater speeds has less time to react to those observations and calculations. You cannot accurately predict at all times what another free willed driver will do. You cannot react perfectly as your knowledge is finite and you, like all of us, are prone to mistakes.
You do have faith Viktimize and it's not a bad thing, just accept it. All faith means is trust. Besides, not all valid knowledge comes from the scientific method. some beliefs are self evident, properly basic and there are just some things that are out of the jurisdiction of science.
Science cannot prove that you are not a brain in a vat being stimulated to believe that you are having this conversation.
Science cannot prove moral truths. It can tell us how to build the bomb but it cannot tell us if we should use it.
Like morality, science cannot prove aesthetics. It cannot say that a tropical sunset is more beautiful that a moon lit night.
Science cannot prove math because it presupposes math to be true.
Science cannot prove itself with the scientific method because it presupposes the reliability of logic, observation and the principles of repeatability.
Furthermore. Some beliefs are so properly basic that science isn't needed to determine their truth. We are all justified in believing that other minds exist outside our own without relying on science to prove it. The belief that I exist is one as well.
But I've digressed far too much.
Of course you can speed without violating other traffic laws. The laws of physics however, will violate the speeder who pushes its limits.
Perhaps he simply likes to swerve (volition)? Maybe he's dodging some debris (out of necessity)? Maybe he missed his exit (carelessness)? Vehicle malfunction (neglect)?
that works for speeders to:
Perhaps he likes to speed (volition)? Maybe he's speeding due to an emergency (necessity)? Maybe he's running late (carelessness)? Vehicle malfunction (neglect)?
You have been guilty of the Taxi Cab fallacy. You've been stopping at a point which is convenient for your argument to work and you won't follow your own views to their logical conclusions. Stop wading in the shallow end of the pool and dive into the deep end that is the logical conclusion of your view. Swerving is no less and action than speeding is. They don't self originate as they both have root causes that can ultimately be traced back to volition and they both can be done without crashing. Therfore, a fair, equal and honest application of your view would suggest that we don't enforce any moving violations.
Edit: I originally typed out a long response, addressing all your points but this discussion is beginning to unravel. I deleted a huge swath of my reply. I will no longer frisk your frisks. Neither will I respond to ad hominem arguments.