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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Eastern MA

    Speeding Crackdown.

    This week all New England states announced the State Police will begin to crackdown on speeders. This is part of "increasing highway safety."
    The news announced Interstates 91 and 95 will be the main focus, but that doesn't mean the other roads won't be.

    Just a headsup for eveyone, your states may be doing the same.

    Here in Massachusetts we finally have some fantastic weather and the urge to open'er up is tough to resist.


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Up The River..[Columbia River Gorge near Portland OR]
    Great, I make my annual pilgrimage to Watkins Glen next week, just in time for the trooper's ''Memorial Day Speeder Practice!''

    Do they use airborne spotters? Or just Laser-Radar? Valentine One is a confidence builder.

    Next month off to VIR where Valentine One is illegal!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Edmonton, Alberta
    Why worry about protecting your citizens when you can collect revenue right? This world is going to shit.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Rocky Mountains
    Not the world, just Alberta! NDP? What the hell is going on up there? Saskatchewans like me worked 50 years to remove the oppression of that kind of Government. I mean the PCs went crazy there for awhile but to vote in NDP? That gulag will make you give up your Viper yet!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Bulverde, Texas
    Your threshold for the world going to shit is pretty low.

  6. #6
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  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Edmonton, Alberta
    Quote Originally Posted by Coloviper View Post
    Not the world, just Alberta! NDP? What the hell is going on up there? Saskatchewans like me worked 50 years to remove the oppression of that kind of Government. I mean the PCs went crazy there for awhile but to vote in NDP? That gulag will make you give up your Viper yet!

    Well PC's had to get the boot one way or another. Wildrose doesn't have enough members to even form a majority government. NDP was the only choice for a lot of people. They did the right song and dance to trick people into giving them their vote. In 4 years people will wonder what the hell they were thinking and vote a PC government back in. On the bright side, at least the PC's will realize they aren't invincible and it will knock them down a peg. Maybe they will smarten up next time.

  8. #8
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    I got a speeding ticket when I was 17, haven't had one since. I discovered this super awesome method of avoiding getting pulled over. I heard about a guy who used this ultra secret method and tried to write a book about it, but the government hushed him up. Since I like you guys, I'll let you in on it, but you can't tell anyone else. You don't want "them" to find out you know this fool proof method of avoiding speeding tickets. Here's the secret to my speeding ticket avoidance program: I drive at or below the posted speed limit speed limit.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bugman Jeff View Post
    I drive at or below the posted speed limit speed limit.
    That takes a lot of will power to do consistently, especially in certain cars.
    Last edited by SA Heat; 05-09-2015 at 02:00 AM.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Viktimize View Post
    Why worry about protecting your citizens when you can collect revenue right? This world is going to shit.
    do you believe stopping speeders does not protect citizens?

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Rocky Mountains
    Quote Originally Posted by Viktimize View Post
    Well PC's had to get the boot one way or another. Wildrose doesn't have enough members to even form a majority government. NDP was the only choice for a lot of people. They did the right song and dance to trick people into giving them their vote. In 4 years people will wonder what the hell they were thinking and vote a PC government back in. On the bright side, at least the PC's will realize they aren't invincible and it will knock them down a peg. Maybe they will smarten up next time.
    Maybe but you do NOT vote in the NDP (Democrats) to prove a point. It will affect the whole Oil & Gas World now and Alberta/Canada/parts of the U.S. with this brilliant move. You guys know not what you have done. It's like Texas voting in a Democratic government. Speeding issues is the absolute least of your worries for world going to shit now.

    I agree with Leadfoot though, "extreme" speeding curb does increase safety.

  12. #12
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    Oct 2013
    I see so many drivers that I wouldn't trust to drive safely at the speed limit, much less over it. While I know I am capable of safely driving well over the limit, I don't have the confidence that the guy in the minivan next to me could be safe at 5mph over.

  13. #13
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    Edmonton, Alberta
    Quote Originally Posted by LeadfootRT10 View Post
    do you believe stopping speeders does not protect citizens?
    Is that a trick question? Speeding has never been the cause of any accident in history. So no I don't believe speed traps nailing people for driving perfectly safe protects anybody.

    Now if they wanted to start cracking down on distracted driving(the number one cause of majority of accidents), then I'd be in full support.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bugman Jeff View Post
    I see so many drivers that I wouldn't trust to drive safely at the speed limit, much less over it. While I know I am capable of safely driving well over the limit, I don't have the confidence that the guy in the minivan next to me could be safe at 5mph over.
    Bingo! So start cracking down on unsafe driving and address the route cause. Just blindly attacking anyone speeding means you have no idea whether the culprit is unsafe driver or not unless you actually viewed them doing something unsafe. And if you do view somebody doing something unsafe, why not ticket them for that instead of speeding? The whole point of consequence is to teach a lesson. But since speeding in itself is not a dangerous act, then the unsafe driver really has no idea what he/she needs to correct from their behaviour, except to slow down and just be a slower travelling unsafe driver.

  14. #14
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    Edmonton, Alberta
    Quote Originally Posted by Coloviper View Post
    Maybe but you do NOT vote in the NDP (Democrats) to prove a point. It will affect the whole Oil & Gas World now and Alberta/Canada/parts of the U.S. with this brilliant move. You guys know not what you have done. It's like Texas voting in a Democratic government. Speeding issues is the absolute least of your worries for world going to shit now.

    I agree with Leadfoot though, "extreme" speeding curb does increase safety.
    Preaching to the choir brother. I sure as hell didn't vote for them.

  15. #15
    Saying that speeding has never caused a crash is like saying no one has ever died by falling because, you see, it's the sudden stop, not the fall that killed them. Speeding is a major contributing factor in fatal crashes. Even as a mere contributor, not a direct cause, it invites danger and the police are charged with the responsibility of making it as safe as they reasonably can by curtailing dangerous driving behavior.

    Speeding increases the amount of distance travelled during a given reaction time. Speeding, when a crash does occur, increases the amount of damage caused to persons and property. Speeding during inclement weather can lead to hydroplaning, over driving your sight ahead in dense fog etc. Speeding can create conditions where one overdrives ones own abilities as well as the tires, brakes and suspension. Furthermore, speeding on a bad road surface, like with loose material such as gravel, and crossing animals can potentially lead to a crash. Not to mention the fact that those who share the road are also placed in a situation of undue and increased danger. We aren't in controlled conditions here.

    I'm a fan of school zones as well.
    Last edited by DEADEYE; 05-09-2015 at 05:28 PM.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Viktimize View Post
    Speeding has never been the cause of any accident in history.
    I'll have to write that one down. You're either trolling or you're not very bright.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by SA Heat View Post
    I'll have to write that one down. You're either trolling or you're not very bright.
    I vote for not very bright....

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Rocky Mountains
    I believe he means speed traps not all excessive driving. In Alberta, they set up speed traps where they take an impounded car, pull a tire off and have it by the side of the road. Like an innocent car in distress. Then a chicken shit cop jumps out with his laser to nail you. It is just a bad situation overall. Not a fan of the speed trap. Not really a fan of most cops especially city cops. Most are more crooked than those they chase.

    Absolutely support school zones. Construction zones, most companies should be charged for excessive coning and unnecessary disruption. Common sense seems to have left this world in 2015.

  19. #19
    Yeah, the terminology "speed trap", as in entrapment, seems to be one that elicits emotion. I'm not sure how much of a trap something could be if there are speed limit signs and general knowledge of highway speeds, not to mention that there is typically a given margin of error, like say 5-15 mph over. Would the use of aerial enforcement be a speed 'trap' as well?

  20. #20
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    Tucson, Arizona
    I've always thought of a speed trap as taking advantage of a place where even the most cautious drivers speed, if completely unintentionally. Like at the bottom of a hill. Or here in Tucson there was a place near campus where it went from 45 to 35 right after an intersection and the motorcycle cops would sit there 3 at a time and pop people all day. I feel like that was catching people off guard, not targeting speeders.

  21. #21
    VOA Mamba Member
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    I would like to see the cops cracking down on texting and phone surfing while driving. My '08 roadster was run into by a car right beside me whose driver was texting and decided to change lanes. How she could not hear my noisy car and see a bright red one right next to you is beyond me. The weaving, over correction and slowing down on the freeways just drives me absolutely batsh*t.

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Vprbite View Post
    I've always thought of a speed trap as taking advantage of a place where even the most cautious drivers speed, if completely unintentionally. Like at the bottom of a hill. Or here in Tucson there was a place near campus where it went from 45 to 35 right after an intersection and the motorcycle cops would sit there 3 at a time and pop people all day. I feel like that was catching people off guard, not targeting speeders.
    In that case, I agree 100%. That's just wrong on many levels.

  23. #23
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  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by DEADEYE View Post
    In that case, I agree 100%. That's just wrong on many levels.
    Thank you. That's what I think of as a "trap." Saying they are stepping up enforcement, whether you agree or not, is not a trap or a trick. Waiting and popping people right after the sign change as I described gets people who would never even speed out of principle.

    At least they are announcing that they are kicking up citations. I would be pretty upset if they didn't tell the populace. And I would rather have officers out there than cameras which I believe...DO... cause dangerous situations because people freak out around them and slam on the brakes where there is no other reason to brake or everyone drives so slowly through them it messes up the whole traffic pattern. At least with officers, if everyone is speeding they will only get one or hopefully, the one in the Vette. I have had pretty good luck with police in my Vipers. Not that I have been pulled over a bunch. But I have been cut a break when he could have easily ticketed me. (88 in a 75 on the way to Phoenix and the pavement was new and super smooth. He admitted it was tempting and politely asked me to slow it down and reminded me that there were plenty more highway patrol on the road to Phoenix and I wouldn't get a second warning today.)

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patentlaw View Post

    A company in phoenix that recreates wrecks for insurance and court purposes ( I have done some work for them in the past which is how I found out about this) recreaeted his accident using modern methods and technology and in their opinion he wasn't speeding. Plus, I know firsthand (or in my case, first leg???? ) how bad the damage can be at 55 if the conditions are right. That's what my speed was estimated to be.

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