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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Tysons Corner, VA

    Super short 2015 run?

    Found this elsewhere

    If 2016 begins in July, awfully short run of 2015's, is this some strategy to push 2014's off lots by putting out 2016's so soon?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Possibly gearing up for a new launch , say ACR ?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Bay Area, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by J TNT View Post
    Possibly gearing up for a new launch , say ACR ?
    Exactly my thoughts too.

  4. #4
    Targa, targa, targa

    Oh wait, then I'd have to buy another gen5. You listening SRT? ;-)

  5. #5
    So how many 15 models will they make in total? Anyone know?

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by drueherl View Post
    So how many 15 models will they make in total? Anyone know?
    if i had to guess........... around 500?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Fairfax, VA
    Can someone link me to the evidence of a targa top version? Not doubting, but I will hate myself if I get a leftover 2014 or order a 2015 only to find out I jumped the gun.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by dethred View Post
    Can someone link me to the evidence of a targa top version? Not doubting, but I will hate myself if I get a leftover 2014 or order a 2015 only to find out I jumped the gun.
    At VOI12 Ralph showed us the vert design that was in draft. Not a targa but not approved either. Then we saw the vid from dodge that shows a design working a gen5 clay that has a targa roof line. So we know they've been designing on a topless model now for 3 years and the latest we saw was a targa. I had no hope of a targa til then and with some rumors and it has me waiting for June/July news to confirm or deny a vert or targa. This is the only refresh for viper on the calendar to my knowledge so I feel if it doesn't happen now then it won't.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Dman View Post
    At VOI12 Ralph showed us the vert design that was in draft. Not a targa but not approved either. Then we saw the vid from dodge that shows a design working a gen5 clay that has a targa roof line. So we know they've been designing on a topless model now for 3 years and the latest we saw was a targa. I had no hope of a targa til then and with some rumors and it has me waiting for June/July news to confirm or deny a vert or targa. This is the only refresh for viper on the calendar to my knowledge so I feel if it doesn't happen now then it won't.
    Exactly. Hoping that the targa and ACR are what constitutes this refresh.

    Looks like that thread mentions Stryker purple. Interested to see what that looks like.



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