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  1. #1

    HPDE Cold and Hot Tire Pressures with OEM Corsas?

    Any Advice here? I could not find a clear suggestion when searching the existing threads.

    Thanks for your thoughts!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Montgomery Texas
    I prefer them hot around 31-32 psi. I usually have to start cold around 27-28 psi to hit my hot mark. I'll usually snake small adjustments from there based on the days track conditions.

  3. #3
    Thanks! I will probably start at 26 or 27.

    So no front/rear difference?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    N. CAL
    That sounds bout right
    Always good to start a little higher vrs lower i think.
    A few local guys runs them about 32-33psi hot
    Last edited by MBG2.0; 05-01-2015 at 06:25 PM.

  5. #5
    This isn't specific to the Corsa tires, but I've always examined how far over the tread is rolling and make adjustments. You'll notice that once you come in from your first session, you'll see the tread is scuffed and worn a certain amount towards the sidewall. I always adjust my tire pressure to insure that the tire "wear" is happening all the way to the edge of the "tread" compound. Most tires have a ridge, band or some sort of strip where the tread compound meets the sidewall rubber.

    It's pretty hard to give out just one pressure number and claim that it is good for all conditions. How much camber you run, condition of the tires, condition of the track (grippy or greasy) and temperatures will all effect how the tire grips and how much pressure you need to get the car to handle like you want. Get a good quality gauge, a small 12 volt compressor (if the track does not have air) and play around with the Corsa's to see where the actual tire is wearing to on the outer edges. This is the ultimate solution to figuring out your pressures, but it is a good start.

    Have fun out there.

  6. #6
    Great advice. I will be at Autoclub Speedway in Fontana, CA running the Roval (part of NASCAR Oval and Infield). My GTS is stock with Sidewinder IIs and Corsas and 3,400 mi. It is a pretty fast course ((150-165mph at end of front straight, depending) and it will probably be 80-90F. I have a gauge and a compressor, will set cold temps and then measure after the session to keep the tires 31-32 hot and see how they feel.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Alberta Canada
    How accurate are the tire pressure monitors? Not as accurate as a gauge, but are they close?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Quebec, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by darbgnik View Post
    How accurate are the tire pressure monitors? Not as accurate as a gauge, but are they close?
    Mine seems very accurate compared to my gauge

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Bay Area, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by SilveRT8 View Post
    Mine seems very accurate compared to my gauge
    Mine too.



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