I was so excited to receive these that I didn't pay attention when opening them and noticed after that there are front and rears. I'm assuming the slightly taller ones go in the rear, but I want to double check. Am I correct?
I was so excited to receive these that I didn't pay attention when opening them and noticed after that there are front and rears. I'm assuming the slightly taller ones go in the rear, but I want to double check. Am I correct?
Yes short ones in the front. Post pics!
Just had mine installed this week too. I didn't know there was a front and rear. Hope the mechanic installed them right, my installed ride height to the top of the fender is 25 1/2" front and 27 7/8" rear. Stance and ride feel right.
Can someone confirm ?
Last edited by SilveRT8; 04-19-2015 at 05:20 PM.
Mine were all the same.
Mine were labeled front and rear.
I could swear all mine were the same. Hope the dealer read something that i missed if it was there.
Read the first post.
Yes, the fronts are shorter. The set I received was not labeled, but I luckily decided to line them up on the workbench and compare.
Yep, mine were in separate bags labeled front and rear. There wasn't a big different between them, maybe 1/8" or so. If I hadn't already installed the rears I'd take a picture. And I can't remember which part was shorter - I just know that when I sat them side by side the rears were noticeably taller.
They look identical until you place them side by side on a flat surface and look across the tops. Like other others mentioned, them fronts are about 1/8 shorter. From where the spring contacts the spacer to the tip of the spacer is 1/8" difference. Always wondered why stock Gen V's front gap is larger than rear gap. Correct spacer placement evens it out nicely.
Thanks Brian.
Can someone please take some measurements of the spacers. Mine were identical next to each other, so I'm wondering if I got 4 fronts, or 4 rears. Mine were very early pieces (pre Viper Exchange markings), unmarked and all in the same package. I really don't feel like pulling these shocks again haha.
I just dropped them all off with the dealer and said have fun. I really hope they installed them correctly! car looks great - lower all the way around but still...
Probably not, but can these be installed without removing the suspension? Compress the springs while still on the car and slide the old ones out/new ones in?
Awesome. Let us know how it goes.
I shure hope there are none running around all cati wampus!!!!! I have not put mine on yet, good thing cause I may have goofed this one
What kind of spring compressor are you guys using?