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  1. #1

    Wtb gts acr gen ii

    Hello I´m new here but always prefer to look for my cars on places like this that have people that love their cars. I´m looking for a Generation II GTS ACR it must be blue with white stripes, the lower the millage the better, you can contact me on my email or send me a PM

    Thank you for your time and Enjoy your cars

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Copperopolis, CA
    Unfortunately no blue with white stripe ACR's were built. The closest you could find is a 2001 Sapphire Blue with silver stripe. There was one ACR built painted in GTS blue but it has silver stripes and was a raffle car back in 2001 and I believe the winner still has it.

    Gen 2 ACR Vipers were built from 1999 through 2002, while blue with white stripe Vipers were built in 1996 and 1997 only.

  3. #3
    VOA Member 99RT10's Avatar
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    Oct 2013
    No such thing exist. The best color for the ACR is a Silver with blue stripes.

  4. #4
    How about the inverse or close to it - silver with blue stripes - Here's mine, not for sale but if the offer's right.. anythings possible

    Good luck with the search, but like 72 said... blue/white stripes = '96-'97 only and no acr before're gonna have to paint an acr to get it ike that. Or you could buy one of those 97-98's and add all the acr stuff... suspension, wheels, oil adaptor, 5 point harness, decals, etc and add the updated trim to the interior. Technically not an ACR but just the same

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by 99RT10 View Post
    No such thing exist. The best color for the ACR is a Silver with blue stripes.

  6. #6
    Just get a plain B/W GTS 96 or 97. Put some better brakes on it tho...

  7. #7
    Thanks all for your answers something new is learned everyday. I would then try to look for different colors or maybe a gts-r If some one has one for sale. I want to keep full originality of the car and always prefer lower productions and small differences on the cars. Thanks again and great group out here

  8. #8
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    Copperopolis, CA
    BY GTS-R I assume you are referring to the 98 white and blue stripe cars? They are actually called GT-2's as the GTS-R is the non street legal race car. The GT-2 is a great car and has held it's value extremely well. I don't think I have seen one for sale for under $80k.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by 99RT10 View Post
    No such thing exist. The best color for the ACR is a Silver with blue stripes.
    No way !!! Gray with silver stripes is best !!!

    To OP: Here is a useful webpage with build vs color info:

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by AZTVR View Post
    No way !!! Gray with silver stripes is best !!!

    To OP: Here is a useful webpage with build vs color info:
    I agree Gray with silver stripes is the way to go

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by GhostStalker27 View Post
    Best ACR color combo IMO. If one had been available when I was looking, I would've snatched it up in a heart beat. Don't tell my Red/Silver ACR that though! She's 1 of 17 for the year (so Ive read/been told) so I think I did pretty good.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Long Island, NY
    Quote Originally Posted by AZTVR View Post
    No way !!! Gray with silver stripes is best !!!

    To OP: Here is a useful webpage with build vs color info:
    Quote Originally Posted by venum4u View Post
    I agree Gray with silver stripes is the way to go
    Are you sure you only want Blue/White? Stay Tuned...Just ordered new Wheels/Tires today :-)

    Also, I used this site a lot when I was looking. It kind of searches multiple sites all at once. Also, keep you eyes glued to the classifieds here and on Viper Alley.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  13. #13

  14. #14
    Thank you all for the info, yes I meant the gt2 road version, I would hear for ACR silver or silver gray if you have for sale send me the email

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    South of London, Surrey
    Quote Originally Posted by alince View Post
    Thank you all for the info, yes I meant the gt2 road version, I would hear for ACR silver or silver gray if you have for sale send me the email
    Are you a Dealer looking for a car for a Customer?

    These guys had one last year, reserve not met so they may still have it
    Last edited by Fatboy 18; 04-18-2015 at 02:24 AM.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Tucson, Arizona
    Hello Alince. Welcome and I wish you luck in your search. How about the Daytona cars that Autoform made for dodge to commemorate their win at Daytona? Only 9 made oroginally and I don't think all of them are still on the road. Even more rare than the GT-2. Plus it's a final Edition. And comes with short throw shifter and full belanger exhaust as part of the Daytona package. I think exactly how autoform set up the race cars but street legal. These guys have one with ultra low mileage. And It has all the decals just some were never placed on the car so as to keep them in good condition but they are included. Hmmm, now I want this car for myself. Anyway, check it out.

    They are good people. I have purchased from them very happily in the past. Also, I know they have sold a couple of the GT2 cars before for sure, so call or email them and see if they can find one for you. They may have a customer who is looking to sell.

    Good luck and welcome to the VOA.

  17. #17
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    2 of those Autoform 91 Vipers are in the UK Not all were Final edition 2002's some were 2001s

  18. #18
    The red GT2 is beautiful!!!

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by MalingatorGTS View Post
    The red GT2 is beautiful!!!
    Its not a GT2
    GT2's were only produced in 1998 and were White with Blue stripes.

    The Red Viper is a Autoform/woodhouse daytona 91 car sold by Woodhouse Dodge.

    This thread is worth a read on collectable Vipers
    Last edited by Fatboy 18; 04-18-2015 at 09:56 AM.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Rosenberg, Texas
    Best that can be done is buy a no stripe Saph. Blue ACR car and add your own stripes. There were, I believe, 17 of them made. Most of them have been destroyed through poor drivers.

  21. #21
    IM looking for my self something I want for my collection, I have seen the daytona but didnt found much information on them, and always prefer factory cars than outside jobs.

    I love the blue with stripes and a that one was the dream image of viper for me thats what I was looking first now i will take a look at all learn more about them and decide. Its my first time buying an american car

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    South of London, Surrey
    The Autoform Vipers were built under licence from Dodge, not really an outside job



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