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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    2005 light switch problem. Advice plz

    Hi guys, im having a weird problem with my light switch. So my car is set up to have fogs running as daylight running light for canada. The turn switch operates the head lights and fogs as i understand. Now some times i notice that when i park the car and click it the fogs come on. Initialy i thought it was due to the new ecu i got as waterdamege replacement. Then figured that if i press on to the signal lever inwards the fogs shut off if i slightly move it the fogs come on, so there is definately something wrong with the switch there. My question is what should i do now? Should i just replace it? How expensive and dificult to get to it. Or is it posible to take it appart and see whats going on in there? Plz any advice guys

    Thank u all
    Last edited by 1994viper; 04-21-2015 at 12:58 AM.



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