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  1. #1

    Thinking of getting a IV Gen instead.

    I originally signed up here with my heart set on getting a V, but now that I realistically look at the price, I'm not sure I can afford a $80k+ car.
    Back in 2013 I was able to get a new '13 5.0, my loan limit at the time was about 38k, the car was $34k otd. I've since been bored with the car, having spent about $10k already (cosmetic mods, wheels, suspension). I pay double what I'm suppose to on the loan and by 2017 may, it'll be paid off.

    Basically I'm being realistic here with what I can afford, a 70k car + cali TTR (tax, title, reg) will get that price to under 80k. Patience has never been a strong suit for me and maybe when I get a cruising bike my mind will change. But realistically, what would be a yearly salary to afford a gen 4, heck what would be ideal for a gen 5?
    I'm contributing to employee stock plans so right off the bat, I get 15% discount on stocks.
    The plan is still the same, use my 5.0 as a possible trade in or private sale, combined with selling stocks.

    Does that sound foolish? The viper has been my dream car since the 06 coupe came out, now I'm almost there! Or should I just give up and get a vette! Lol, jk, I'm dead set on a viper. I look at online classifieds at least 7x a day everyday.

    also, im in Sf Bay Area, santa clara, i would love to hop as a passenger either in Sonoma or laguna. I will pay for my own entrance fee once we meet at one of those tracks....
    Last edited by serpent; 04-11-2015 at 03:17 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Houston, TX
    No shame in owning or driving any generation Viper. They all bring smiles and gawks from the onlookers. I still love my Gen 3, just as I love my Gen 5. With the Gen 4, you get 90% of the driver experience of the Gen 5, performance is nearly identical. The only added benefit is the nicer quality interior on the Gen 5, as far as driver experience goes.

    The good thing about the Gen 3 or 4 coupes, is that they've hit their depreciation targets, and you'll likely not lose a thing on ownership. You can always upgrade to a Gen 5 (or Gen 6?) later on. Go enjoy!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Spring, Tx
    I agree with everything Tony (nineball) said. i was initially looking at a Gen 5 but purchased a Gen 4 instead. I am very happy with the car and have no regrets. The Gen 5 would have been nice to have but I just bought a house and my wife and I are planning to have children so I tied to spread it out a bit. I plan to upgrade to a Gen 5 or 6 but for now I love my Gen 4.

  4. #4
    Don't get in over your head financially. As the previous posters have said you can enjoy a previous Gen Viper as much as a new one. Some of my best times were in an earlier Gen 2. Nothing wrong with a Vette either, they are nice cars and a lot of people on this site have one or have had one. I personally would not sell my stocks to get a car unless you have some losers you want to dump. Remember, you may have some capital gains taxes to deal with also if you sell those stocks. Not worth it, stay invested.
    Last edited by Blue T/A 2.0; 04-11-2015 at 10:57 AM.

  5. #5
    Nothing wrong with the IV! I say go for it! IMO they are a great value for the performance.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Los Angeles, CA
    After I sold my 911 and started looking for a Viper, I spent about 3 months searching for the ideal Gen 2 or Gen 4. I would look 2-3 hours a day and I started going crazy. Finally I found a Gen 4 for an amazing price and bought it. Took it to Viper Tracks 2015 in Buttonwillow and while surrounded by a bunch of other Vipers I realized that I really want a special edition model. Ended up selling my Gen 4 and now I'm still on the hunt.

    There are a few Gen 4s you can get in the low to mid 50s if that budget works for you. I think I still have some of them saved so if you're interested PM me. There are a few things on the Gen 4 that I like more than on the Gen 5 and vice versa. So don't see the Gen 4 as a downgrade, it's still an amazing car.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Quebec, Canada
    When I bought my gen 5 , I tought I wouldn't like my gen 3 as much and was thinking about selling it but the big smile is still there every time I drive it so .... Each gen has its charm so you can't go wrong whatever model you decide to buy

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    North Carolina
    Remember the Gen I-IV cars are what got many of us "bit" in the first place. I love all generations for different reasons. Any Viper is an awesome Viper. Enjoy!

  9. #9
    Ive been watching gen iv's since June last year and the pricing seems to have leveled off. I would be proud to have any viper but want to stick to 4th and 5th generations.

    right now just trying to figure out what I want to do next, maybe I should try waiting 2 years and revisit this decision. I'll be keeping an eye out for deals, Eddie you're right on with mid to low 50s.

    I appreciate the input from everyone!

  10. #10
    I know of a 2009 race yellow coupe for $59,995 if your interested. I can check it for you, it's local to me. PM if you want the link to car.

  11. #11
    VOA Member 99RT10's Avatar
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    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Victxv10 View Post
    I know of a 2009 race yellow coupe for $59,995 if your interested. I can check it for you, it's local to me. PM if you want the link to car.

    How many miles on the car?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    I actually like my Gen III better than the Gen V No matter what man, a Viper is a Viper. One thing to keep in mind, if you're a mod crazy bastard like myself, look into a Gen III. If you're happy with the usual bolt ons, Gen IV.

  13. #13
    I'm stuck on GTS blue, maybe red too all whether or not I can find one for the right price.

    If anyone is interested there is an 08 VVO coupe, 2200 miles. $66k in socal.

  14. #14
    Good price on that VVO, love that color!

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Allen TX
    Bought my VVO with Black stripes for $63k, modded with HREs, 21k miles but was worth it for my perfect color and wheel combination

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Have any pics jvm? Love the color!

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by 99RT10 View Post
    How many miles on the car?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    So Cal
    OP - funny you posted about this. I was really looking to get into a G5 but don't think I can get one I want in my budget. I am really considering a G4 now. Thanks for everyone's feedback so far.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by zee View Post
    OP - funny you posted about this. I was really looking to get into a G5 but don't think I can get one I want in my budget. I am really considering a G4 now. Thanks for everyone's feedback so far.
    Yea, I told my brother about being realistic, he said I just dont want the car enough and thinks I can do it. I really want one, but I also want to have money left for other hobbies, traveling and mods.

    Nothing wrong with either, they are both bad ass. I'm just going to wait till something nice with a good deal comes along.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Allen TX
    If orange with black stripes strikes your fancy pm me

  21. #21
    I have a 1 of 2 Aero vert with 2600 miles.....bone stock....bright blue.PM me if interested.

  22. #22
    VOA Member 99RT10's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aspman View Post
    I have a 1 of 2 Aero vert with 2600 miles.....bone stock....bright blue.PM me if interested.
    Quote Originally Posted by jvm728 View Post
    If orange with black stripes strikes your fancy pm me
    You both should post up pictures. The bright blue is a fantastic color.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Allen TX
    i will today. its getting detailed this afternoon.

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by jvm728 View Post
    i will today. its getting detailed this afternoon.
    You selling already?? Movin up or out?

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Tucson, Arizona
    Quote Originally Posted by Victxv10 View Post
    You selling already?? Movin up or out?
    Yeah I know, seems like he was always modding to get it just right. That car is ready to run, that's for sure.

    OP, definitely a good call to not get overextended on a car of all things. Save a few bucks for maintenance (really not too bad on these cars) and perhaps snafus and a few bucks perhaps for mods. At least a nice exhaust. And I'll tell ya what, keep it looking good an many people think it's brand new. So if it's turning heads you are after, that happens in pretty much all Vipers. I had a Gen II GTS about 6 months before I got my 06 coupe (purchased nov 2012) and people thought that was new all the time too. And as far as fun goes, well, I am yet to be in a Viper that lacks fun. Each Gen has it's own charms. Don't think of them as better or worse, just different. As people have said here, they enjoy their Gen III or Gen II as much as their V. Performance wise, anything you get will have plenty. Few people here can out drive the stock power on a Gen III. That didn't stop me from upping the power of course. But don't think of an earlier Gen as a dog compared to the newest one. The earlier Gens still put up more than respectable performance numbers. And those numbers improve easily with a few mods.

    Also, how much can you enjoy your car if you know the payment is ruining you financially or you can't afford to go anywhere in your nice car cause the payment is too high? Obviously, I am making an extreme example here and I doubt you would go that far with it, but you know what I mean. You will be happy in pretty much any Viper (that is in good condition). I have felt like the right one calls out to you. Both of mine have. They just seemed "right" for whatever reason. If a Gen V just doesn't feel right, it may not be. You need to feel good about your purchase.

    NineBall is one of our most respected members around here, and what he said is true. You can also trust him when he talks performance because he has driven all those gens he talks of to their very edges so he knows what he is talking about. Bottom line, you can't go wrong, so just make sure you feel good about the financials and you won't stop smiling. You will also go out there and look at it in the garage. We've all done it. And still do.
    Last edited by Vprbite; 04-21-2015 at 04:35 AM.

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