Bunch of morons tearing up 3 beautiful cars. What was Dodge thinking?
Last 5 minutes were painful
As someone who would love to own any of theses vehicles and knows how much they cost, this was hard to watch. I have to think there was a better use for these beautiful cars than giving them to these guys.![]()
I dont even waste my time watching these morons.
I don't get it. What was the point exactly?
Wow. What was the point of that?
I cannot believe Dodge SPONSORS this garbage (Dodge is the official sponsor of Roadkill)
Are you serious? A $100k+ car and they are allowed to trash it like this?
And that's why you don't children drive.
Dodge marketing at its best...
I don't really get it either. Not sure how the hell they put together nearly 40 minutes of footage of this.
And the three way tug of war? Why?
HAHA...it did say viewer discretion advised....pack of idiots though.
the tire manufacturers will enjoy the tire replacement revenue![]()
Dodge should put more into supplying cars that customers have had ordered from day one, Rather than take and totally give these idiots Cars of this caliber. If they sponsor these tools, The guy that authorized it should have his Balls cut out and left in the sand.
I hope they deep discount those cars after that abuse !![]()
Create the 1-to-1 feature to make an exotic level customization program
Then let some hillbillies trash the car which no exotic level company would do.
Par for the course, for Dodge.
Disgusting is NOT the word to describe this.
Now I get it, chance are these three cars are more than likely write offs previously used in testing and promotional purposes, press cars if you will. But like others have said, when you have well over 9k orders for these (at least the Hellcats) and those pesky dealers have already caused a crap-ton of headaches for those that put down deposits, why on earth would you want to sponsor a show titled 'Roadkill' and why would you agree to let them do this?! Maybe, MAYBE they didn't know that last portion was going to occur, but I doubt that.
And it irks the hell out of me.
Especially when I just posted the other night about the NYIAS display, making it seem some what decent to some of you guys. Man did I waste my time didn't I? Sigh. This or IMSA. THIS. OR IMSA. Somehow THIS makes more sense.
I started out with a smile, ended up with with a serious look of wtf!
Complete garbage. Way to keep the hillbilly redneck status, Dodge. Just when people already complain about "spending $100K for a Dodge", you guys allow/sponsor this?
Wow just Wow... They say NO publicity is bad publicity but this is just low-class stupid.Thanks Dodge way to send your brand back to the caveman days by letting 3 neanderthals thrash cars. I was proud of my Ferrari's lineage and yes there are morons that drive Ferraris but I have to say seeing that video Iam almost ashamed to drive my Viper. There are thousands of guys out there who would love to own one of those 3 cars,(pre thrash) why don't you have a story contest where the contestants explain why they should get one of them for free or a really low price. It would be great publicity and a create some feel good stories. It would also give a chance to people who ordinarily would not be able to afford such cars.
The marketing people for SRT/Dodge must : 1) Have relatives in high places 2) Were hired because they are mentally challenged,nah, the mentally challenged could do a MUCH better job of thinking how to get rid of 3 cars. 3) Are having Caligula type parties with those in high places. 4) Trying to emulate the wasteful ways of our government.![]()
Last edited by Aspirations57; 04-11-2015 at 02:46 AM.
Dodge marketing has a new direction.....although it's been done before, some of you might not remember the true marketing originator:
The reality is this is not big deal....yeah they may have scuffed up some cars but they'll get more automotive press value than the $250k in cars they sent out there. I know Fred Williams (the guy in the goofy helmet) and I'll give him a call and ask how bad the cars were f'd up and what the back story is. I'm guessing these cars were probably slated for something else in their near future such as movie chase scenes, crash scenes, etc. The burn outs and tug-a-war aren't going to hurt the cars one bit...the tires are all that got toasted. Drag racing a car on a prepped launch pad is way harder on the axles, bearings, clutch and trans....that old runway they were on had minimum traction, once the tires start spinning you're only hurting the rubber.
Replace the missing body molding and give each car a major detail job and you'll get at least 50% of the cars current market value, even if this video is disclosed.