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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    So Cal

    G5 in Paul Walker Tribute

    Apologize if this has already been posted. Did not see it yet on here. Wonderful tribute...

    You can see the white G5 multiple times.

    I can't seem to find this version on YouTube but it's posted on Vin Diesels Facebook Page.

    Hate or love the movies, respect what Paul Walker has accomplished. RIP.

  2. #2
    Wow the forum has run out of topics already.

  3. #3
    "Chandra Smith

    We just left the movie. My son has been a huge Paul Walker fan since he was 3 yrs old. He grew up on ya'll. we've watched these movies 100s of times literally. He's now almost 17. I've seen my son cry 3 times since the age of 8. When his dad died, when Paul died & now. Yes u all are family to us & our heart aches too. So very much love to u all.*‪#‎rippaulwalker

    Is people serious about this ??

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Houston, TX
    Not sure why people want to come into a MEMORIAL tribute thread and sh-t on the topic. Classless.

    I've met Paul Walker, he was a humble guy and very grounded. He even introduced himself to me, as if I didn't know who he was. He also spent his free time and money doing charity work around the world. Love or hate the movies, sure. But, we need more celebrities in this world like Paul. He was one of the good ones.


  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Nine Ball View Post
    Not sure why people want to come into a MEMORIAL tribute thread and sh-t on the topic. Classless.

    I've met Paul Walker, he was a humble guy and very grounded. He even introduced himself to me, as if I didn't know who he was. He also spent his free time and money doing charity work around the world. Love or hate the movies, sure. But, we need more celebrities in this world like Paul. He was one of the good ones.

    Couldn't agree more.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Ontario Canada
    The movie was excellent and the ending was a beautiful fitting tribute from Vin Diesel about Paul for the rest of was so perfect and touching.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Downingtown, PA
    Agreed on all accounts Tony. A large majority of these individuals grew up with the start of the FF series and became completely infatuated with modified cars and associated Paul as an icon thanks in part to the movie series.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Nine Ball View Post
    Not sure why people want to come into a MEMORIAL tribute thread and sh-t on the topic. Classless.

    I've met Paul Walker, he was a humble guy and very grounded. He even introduced himself to me, as if I didn't know who he was. He also spent his free time and money doing charity work around the world. Love or hate the movies, sure. But, we need more celebrities in this world like Paul. He was one of the good ones.

    You said it. He was a humble guy who loved cars, his friends, family and philanthropy. With all the douche bags out there creating bad examples for our kids, they take a good one away...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Blair, Nebraska
    Gotta agree, completely inappropriate and an apology would be in line!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Sturtevant, Wisconsin
    That video is a blatant product placement ad from Dodge, not sure I like how extreme it is. Would have been just fine with the Gen V and the Hellcat behind the pianist, but they also had a scene with like the whole Dodge lineup behind him!

    Anyways, I am one of those people who was at an extremely impressionable age when The Fast and The Furious came out. I feel so goofy experiencing grief for someone I've never met but I do - maybe because his character was relatable? The ending of the latest movie was really touching for those of us who grew up with the series and developed that strange connection.

    I was wondering this weekend how different the world might be without those movies. Millions of people were influenced from them and now these people are out in the real world using their money to fuel their passion, a passion that may or may not have it's roots from a silly movie. Performance cars and parts and racing is a huge industry... Maybe it wouldn't be as huge without these movies inspiring the youths.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Tysons Corner, VA
    I think the Dodge marketing is a bit heavy handed in it, but then again if it was Chevy people would be complaining that Dodge dropped the ball.

    The F&F franchise maybe considered "low brow" entertainment wise, but it was fun and entertaining. By all accounts Walker was a very nice person who helped a lot of people, shame someone like that lost it all in their prime.
    Last edited by ViperSmith; 04-06-2015 at 10:57 AM.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Nine Ball View Post
    Not sure why people want to come into a MEMORIAL tribute thread and sh-t on the topic. Classless.

    I've met Paul Walker, he was a humble guy and very grounded. He even introduced himself to me, as if I didn't know who he was. He also spent his free time and money doing charity work around the world. Love or hate the movies, sure. But, we need more celebrities in this world like Paul. He was one of the good ones.

    Thank you. You nailed it.

  13. #13
    Not taking away anything from Paul
    I think he was and awesome human's the people n their comments that make me laugh

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Adamsville, Tn
    Actually I thought the comment you posted to "laugh at" was a very nice and personal comment made by a loving mom who loves her son more than life itself(like I love my little boy) and if I was in her shoes and watched my son express that emotional connection Id stomp your ass for "laughing" about it

  15. #15
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    St. Louis
    Quote Originally Posted by Nine Ball View Post
    Not sure why people want to come into a MEMORIAL tribute thread and sh-t on the topic. Classless.

    I've met Paul Walker, he was a humble guy and very grounded. He even introduced himself to me, as if I didn't know who he was. He also spent his free time and money doing charity work around the world. Love or hate the movies, sure. But, we need more celebrities in this world like Paul. He was one of the good ones.


    This is dead on...!!!

    Besides, the F and F novies are entertainment, not documentaries.....

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by The_Greg View Post
    I am one of those people who was at an extremely impressionable age when The Fast and The Furious came out. I feel so goofy experiencing grief for someone I've never met but I do - maybe because his character was relatable? The ending of the latest movie was really touching for those of us who grew up with the series and developed that strange connection.

    I was wondering this weekend how different the world might be without those movies. Millions of people were influenced from them and now these people are out in the real world using their money to fuel their passion, a passion that may or may not have it's roots from a silly movie. Performance cars and parts and racing is a huge industry... Maybe it wouldn't be as huge without these movies inspiring the youths.
    I was one of those people too, in fact the F&F original DVD is the only one I own as silly as that sounds. He will be missed, definitely seemed like one of the good guys.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Wellesley, Ontario
    Quote Originally Posted by Nine Ball View Post
    Not sure why people want to come into a MEMORIAL tribute thread and sh-t on the topic. Classless.

    I've met Paul Walker, he was a humble guy and very grounded. He even introduced himself to me, as if I didn't know who he was. He also spent his free time and money doing charity work around the world. Love or hate the movies, sure. But, we need more celebrities in this world like Paul. He was one of the good ones.

    Thanks Tony - couldn't agree more!

    Sad to see anyone who contributes to the world leave before their time.

  18. #18
    Hard to believe he is to go see the latest version when I get a chance.

    I must be weird, but "Tokyo Drift" is still my favorite.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Tucson, Arizona
    From what I understand he was a really good guy, as NineBall said.

    As far as grieving the loss of someone you don't personally know...well you do know that he was a human being with a family and friends and therefor we can all empathize with that. So it is natural to feel pangs of grief. Even for those we have never met.

    And also, celebrities are an interesting concept. We don't "know" these people necessarily but we invite them into our homes through our televisions. We talk about their movies with our friends. So the human brain naturally develops feelings of, if not affection, at least association with these people. We begin to feel like we kinda do know them.

    So if you never saw the movies and don't know who he is, there is nothing wrong with not feeling loss or grief personally. But to come and say that those who do are morons or idiots is rude and hurtful and frankly, low rent. People aren't mourning the loss of some thug convicted of murder, but a celebrity who was known overall as a good person that gave a number of people joy, even just the simple joy of movies let alone his charity, through his work and who spent the last few moments of his life burning to death. (The autopsy report shows he was braced for impact and had burns in his asophegus.)

    Those if us into performance cars also know the danger that they can present and that also leads to a degree of association or understanding with this person even though we never met him personally. So there are a number of reasons why people feel some degree of personal loss with this gentleman's very unfortunate death

    Please, let those who feel the need to grieve and to do so openly, grieve without catching heat because you disagree with their feelings. It's easy, just don't read forums that mention him or any memorial and it won't come up for you anymore.

  20. #20
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    We hold our C&C at one of the local Carmike IMAX Theaters (Pensacola, FL). So, the GM asked if we could have a special drive-in night for the F7 premiere and in tribute. The GM gave us 12 spots on the landing, and 20 in the parking lot up front. It added to the entire movie experience. Needless to say I’ll miss Paul Walker and what he meant to car enthusiasts everywhere. RIP
    F7 C&C drive in1.jpg
    F7 C&C drive in3.jpg
    F7 C&C drive in6.jpg

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Bmw2nv2000 View Post
    Actually I thought the comment you posted to "laugh at" was a very nice and personal comment made by a loving mom who loves her son more than life itself(like I love my little boy) and if I was in her shoes and watched my son express that emotional connection Id stomp your ass for "laughing" about it
    Lol at "stomping my ass" bawahahaha!!!
    I just find it pretty silly that people says the things they do

    Same happened when Jenny Rivera passed away!!

    Back to topic
    Have you guys seen the video about his car collection?

  22. #22
    Found it

    He was a car nut
    Amazing cars!!
    Amazing Car Collection at AE Performance:

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Pemberton View Post
    Gotta agree, completely inappropriate and an apology would be in line!!

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Red Kaos View Post
    We hold our C&C at one of the local Carmike IMAX Theaters (Pensacola, FL). So, the GM asked if we could have a special drive-in night for the F7 premiere and in tribute. The GM gave us 12 spots on the landing, and 20 in the parking lot up front. It added to the entire movie experience. Needless to say I’ll miss Paul Walker and what he meant to car enthusiasts everywhere. RIP
    F7 C&C drive in1.jpg
    F7 C&C drive in3.jpg
    F7 C&C drive in6.jpg
    That's soo cool !!
    Kudos to the GM for letting you guys do that

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Greater Toronto Area
    Watching Paul do many of the stunts himself made me want to get into performance driving. A little safer than stunt driving, but even so; gotta respect Paul. RIP bro.

    On a side note, the Vipers were awesome!

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