I was wondering if this combination is possible in a 15'?? Adrenaline Red with black GT/GTS style full stripe with a 6 vent SRT style hood? Or is this something I would have to order with '1 of 1' to find in 15? Thanks for any help!
I was wondering if this combination is possible in a 15'?? Adrenaline Red with black GT/GTS style full stripe with a 6 vent SRT style hood? Or is this something I would have to order with '1 of 1' to find in 15? Thanks for any help!
Good question for Bill Pemberton 402-677-5864
it is a reg ordered car. it would have to be a gt or gts car to start.
on a gts car it is a $500 option to get the 6 vent hood, on a gts car.
The stripe on that car is a decal you can tell by the scoop in the hood
Not that it helps, but I saw that color combo at an auto show this year...can't recall the year of the car.
I really liked the color combo.