The white stripes really make that blue color pop! Good color choice with the rims too.
The white stripes really make that blue color pop! Good color choice with the rims too.
I have one just like yours or you have one just like mine (-:[ what color is the interior ? there are 2 recalls for seat belts
Glad it made it safe and sound. Beautiful car and you got a great deal. Hope the best for you with it. That CO dealership though, can go straight to hell. Will never set foot in that F'in place ever again. Guess I should go into therapy now.
Colo, When was the last time you talked to that dealership and what was the price of the car then? Did they blow you off? I remember seeing this car awhile back but I ruled it out because of the color, if I remember right it was around 140K?? When VicTXv10 told me about it on this forum it was around 118K? but Iam not sure because I looked at so many cars..Well I made them an offer of 95K by e-mail and they said they were already losing a bunch on it and could not accept that. I countered with 105K with shipping and they wrote back that 105K might be doable and to call which I did. Deal was made at 105.6K with enclosed shipping without any kind of deposit.
I had to wait for a check from a car I sold plus I was away from Park City so I had to wait to get back to send them the funds.
I was basically told that if they found a buyer that would go higher than 105K(I dont know how much higher) it would sell since I did not put a deposit on it. I wasn't going to sweat it since it had been there so long and if it did sell oh well,lol.
I returned home got the cash together and sent a wire and the rest is history.
I have to say I really love this color combo and after a maiden run of over 60 miles I have to say its the best Viper in and out that I have owned.
Beautiful car. Congrats!
Aspirations, I don't want to go into it as none of the dealings I had with them are your fault, you got a great, great deal and I am happy for you or anyone else that gets a great deal like that. Cudos! Nothing like that seems to work out for me and when I tried to deal with them, or even talk with them they would not budge. This is even after they serviced my 06' for 3 years I had from new. Seems like these Colorado dealers see a Colorado driver's license and we should have to just get in the barrel for them. It makes me sick and yes I sold some stuff and secured financing so I did make a valid offer higher than your's but about 4 months ago. They told me to walk and treated me like a second class citizen. They never called this time around or nothing.
The ONLY dealer who even remotely has tried to help me over the years is John Gasman. When I am ready again, that is where my money will go. I HATE all dealers but a few. Even some I though would work out good, didn't want to work something out.
I am in and out of SLC all the time, we may be able to meet up for lunch some time, if it works out. Again, it is not right of me to complain as I am happy for you. It makes me come across as a sore loser when the race was not even on at the same time. I apologize for that. I should just be kicking the can around home to vent.
Enjoy the car and wow, what a deal.
Last edited by Coloviper; 03-22-2015 at 12:51 PM.
Great looking car. If I were going to purchase a new Viper today, this color combo would be at the top of my list.
Very nice like the color combo.
I understand your frustration and was not implying about you being a sore sport,just the opposite really. I myself do not have good words when it comes to dealers in general. I cant even begin to tell you some of the crap I went through when I was going to sell my Ferrari. Why they did not sell to you is just stupid on their part and really unbelievable considering what you stated above.
I had a very similar experience with my Ferrari dealer on a car I wanted to trade for and the assholes would not give me the time of day.
I tried for a few months on a 16M they had and offered good cash and my scud but they would not take it,screw them as I have now sold it and don't plan on going back to their one horse show. Its one big reason I sold the F-car. It was fun having them and they are great cars
but the experience was dulled by the fact that my dealer was the ONLY Ferrari dealer in Utah so I was kind of tied to them. I also did not living with the fact that if something broke it was almost a guarantee it would be expensive (ie: F1 trans. about 21K)as I did not have a warranty. The gotta pay if you want to play has a whole different meaning in the Ferrari world,lol.
If it makes you feel any better I still have to pay about 7.5K in Utah taxes when my temp plate runs out in May.
I do know where 2 more loaded GTS are like mine, 1 is gray which was my first choice and the other is Yellow. They are holding at 130K and 127K respectively. Let me know and again sorry for your misfortune on this car. Kevin
Thanks SSGNRDZ it was not my first choice but I have to say Iam really loving it,its very rich looking and suites the lines of the Viper well especially with the white stripes and gunmetal wheels. Some forum members here convinced me and Iam happy with the decision.
Come to think of it though the new Viper looks good in ANY color.
^^This. I was blown off by at least 30 dealers in my search for 2 Gen V's (which I purchased now). Some of them were random dealers, some of them were "Viper" dealers. I would get either no reply back or replies that they were not negotiating. Even better were the replies like "I have been doing this for XX years", etc. I told them that they have most likely been doing this for XX years wrong!
GTSR Blue is an interesting color. It changes greatly based on the lighting. When I first picked it up, I was disappointed. It appeared dull and didn't pop. It also has a lot of swirl marks and linear scratches from the original dealer that probably detailed it using a pair of jeans. That dealer was not one of the "preferred" Viper dealers. It was also under fluorescent lights in the middle of a grey winter day.
Attached, you will find pictures of what the car looks like after paint correction and ceramic coating. The pictures were taken on a bright sunny day using 2 different cameras (a cell phone and a DSLR). The cell phone pictures (first 3 pics) look a little more true to life and the DSLR pictures (last 2 pics) look more like GTS Blue. Without the sun, the car looks like a deep, flat dark, dark blue. At night, it looks like an off black color.
Congrats, love the combo
So, the inevitable question: how does it compare to your Scud? I have a 2 friends with Scuds, one just sold his for a new GT3. I've driven with both of them in my former Gen 3, but haven't been out with them yet in the Gen 5.
I know it's a bit apples to oranges, but curious to hear you impressions between the 2 cars.
awesome car, i'm partial to that color scheme as well...