Thank you everyone. I'm very happy with these wheels.
I'm still amazed at how something simple like a change of wheels improves the look a car.
I ran into a few small issue with these, though. Really small.
1 Finding a place to mount the tires here north of Boston. I called 6 or 7 places and most wouldn't do it because the size if the rear tires. One guy told me he sent people to the nearest Ferarri dealer. One place wanted to see them first before saying yes, they said no and were almost surprised tires were made that large. Kind of funny that a large tire shop would be amazed at the size of a tire. Finally found one, tires mounted and balanced for $20 per tire.
2 The center caps wouldn't fit when I first tried. The caps appeared to be too wide. No worries, I just put some thought into it andrealized it was the wheel coating. There was a sticker on the barrell of the wheel "Viper Front PVD." I'd read a few other places that Chrysler uses PVD on the different Vapor wheels. PVD is a powdercoat. Realizing this I took a dremel with a wire wheel and VERY carefully ground down the coating on the inside where the cap goes. Test fitted the caps and with a little encouragement from a rubber mallet the caps popped into place.
3 The hardest part of all this was orienting Sneaky Pete properly. Do I go with lining it up with the valve stem or the "SRT" that is on the wheel. I went with "SRT" and am happy with it.
I bought the center caps fom Jon at partsrack. The caps are really nice and come with a locking plate that's held in place by three screws, the screws come with locking washers. I used threadlocker on the screws, you probably don't need it but why not.
Hey ViperPete, thanks a lotnow all I see is that wheel gap.