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  1. #1

    RIT Annual Spring Motor Show 2015 - April 25

    The RIT Car Club will be hosting this year's Annual Spring motor show at RIT. Although I don't know any of the WNY Viper guys, I'm sure you're all already itching to get the flat spots off your tires now that spring is just gracing itself upon us. Generally there are a couple Corvettes that show up, but it always pains me that there aren't any V10's to rattle the parking lot come the day of the show. If you have any questions please feel free to ask away.

    Assuming good weather we're hoping to have our largest turn out ever this year. With 4 shows under our belt all having exceptionally good turnouts, and the word of mouth about this event steadily increasing, the RIT Car Club is really striving to have our best show to date.

    Click For Directions

  2. #2
    Hey Ian - is the turnout mostly tuners/exotics or do you see lots of classics/muscle cars too? My dad garages a few of his classics within 35 minutes of RIT and I'm sure he'd be looking to get out for a drive by the end of April.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by SlateEd View Post
    Hey Ian - is the turnout mostly tuners/exotics or do you see lots of classics/muscle cars too? My dad garages a few of his classics within 35 minutes of RIT and I'm sure he'd be looking to get out for a drive by the end of April.
    It's generally about 30% domestic depending on the year. This year I've taken it upon myself to really attempt branching out to groups beyond the tuners which are an easy target because they don't require a flyer on their front seat at another event (which is not possible due to the early timing of our event).
    Here are a few photos I took from our 2nd year which featured a rare appearance from the sun. The show was smaller back then (and my photos don't do it justice either), but we had around 20 muscle cars out of the 50 cars that showed up.
    2013 RIT Spring Motor Show

    As our show is still trying to gain traction within the surrounding cities, and areas, we appreciate any word of mouth we can get to try and grow the popularity of the event.
    Last edited by BONEZ; 03-18-2015 at 07:23 AM.

  4. #4

  5. #5
    lmao Steve!



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