Quote Originally Posted by mnc2886 View Post
Someone will either pay him $94k or they wont. Who cares other than OP? If no one does, it's his business to choose how he wants to handle it by either lowering his price or not selling. Why is this always discussed? Especially in a thread of a member who supported the club, a club supporting vendor, and the car we love?
Quote Originally Posted by ViperJon View Post
I didn't see anywhere in the OP's post where he asked what would be a good price for his car, did you? Some people with an axe to grind just enjoy taking a shit in other peoples threads.
Wish these could be site guideline required reading. It get's SO dull hearing the keyboard value arguments, both for over and undervaluation. If you own it, you can "ask" whatever the hell you want. If it's beyond a buyers price point, regardless of whatever might be an "actual value" (which is a meaningless term) make an offer. If you're not legitimately interested as an investor, find entertainment elsewhere.