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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    The Western Reserve

    Viper Tech Day May 9th 2015

    The VOA Ohio Region is holding its annual Viper Tech Day

    Saturday May 9th 2015

    At Adventure Auto Group in Willoughby OH.

    36845 Euclid Ave
    Willoughby, OH 440904

    We will have 8 spots open for service by Adventures Viper Tech

    Times for an appointment run from 7 am to 3 p.m.

    Oil change Special of $109.99 plus tax and disposal fees.

    Inspection of your Viper by Adventures Viper tech is complimentary.

    Don't want to get your car serviced? No Problem!

    We will have a car show on the dealer lot during the day!

    Lunch will be provided by the VOA OH region

    After all service appointents are completed will take a short scenic drive.

    After our scenic drive we will stop at Quaker Steak and Lube in Mentor, OH for dinner

    7834 Reynolds Rd
    Mentor, OH 44060

    (Dinner is on your own)

    To register for the event and or service please follow the link below...

    You will be contacted about what kind of work you want done.

    Please note...if you are registering for service you must still register for the event through the link above.

    While there is no registration fee for the event we ask that you bring an item to donate to The United Way's Feed lake County Program. Please bring your item into the showroom where we'll have boxes set up to take your donation. Items needed the most include...

    Pasta, Spaghetti Sauce, Peanut Butter, Jelly, Cereal/Breakfast items, Juices, Canned fruit, tuna, and Snack items.

    The last day to register for SERVICE is Saturday April 25th.

    We hope to see you there!
    Last edited by 01sapphirebob; 03-20-2015 at 09:38 AM.



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