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  1. #1

    Prices Paid for NEW 92 Vipers

    Just wondering what prices have been paid for 92 Vipers when new. Does anyone know or have specific knowledge of the prices paid by friends, family members, etc... I was just talking to a guy in my quest for a 92 and he stated that he paid 100% over sticker, nearly $107K in 1992 dollars for his 92. I know that most sold for above MSRP, and in a lot of cases WAY ABOVE MSRP as this car was a game changer when it came onto the scene and most dealers capitalized on this by "adjusting" the prices to reflect the same and make a handsome profit at the same time. I wonder who paid the most for one in 92. I have heard stories (I say stories because it is not a documented account) of people paying upwards of $200K for a 92 when this thing came out.

    Anyone have any info or feedback they can add here?

  2. #2
    VOA Member 99RT10's Avatar
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    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by ACRSNK View Post
    I have heard stories (I say stories because it is not a documented account) of people paying upwards of $200K for a 92 when this thing came out.
    A fool and his money are soon parted...............

  3. #3
    The original dealer here for my 1992 had a dealer adjustment of +$75,000 on the one I purchased a few years back.

    In addition to the sticker of $53,300, that came in at a total of $128,300.00.

    Here is a photo of the window card in the binder with the other car documentation. Bear in mind that is asking price, it may have changed hands higher or lower. There just wasn't enough to go around that first year and the rappers and Hollywood set wanted one and had the cash to pay, so the prices reflected that demand with low supply.

    Via the inflation calculator at, that $128,300.00 in 1992 would be $213,272.53 US in 2014 dollars.

    For the Canucks in the audience, the Canadian dollar was 0.8363 USD back in Sept 1 1992 (by's historical rates), so that would mean $255,009.06 Canadian, or over a quarter-million dollars.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Perfectly explained. Thank You



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