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IIRC, Eddie Martin told me that the fans kick on at 213 degrees.
I remember seeing some temps in the gen II out here in Arizona that put the pucker factor to 10. But the fact that they don't kick on till 213 shows that the engine can run a bit hot just fine.
You changed a few things that should help cooling. I think the fans coming on earlier is one of the biggest because I feel like it tries to move the air sooner, so that you don't have to wrestle the temp down from a high temp so much as try and maintain it at a lower temp.
People go in circles on the thermostat as to whether it helps or not. The argument being that once the thermostat is open (this particularly goes for hot weather climates) it doesn't matter if it is a 210 degree thermostat, a 180 degree, or if it was welded open...once it's open that's it. If it can't cool at that point, it can't cool. It's maxed out. I personally feel that it does help for the same reason I mentioned above. Start cooling sooner, rather than wrestle it down from a higher temperature. It's sort of like putting a 12 pack of soda in the fridge. How much more would you hear the fridge kick on if it was put in there at 90 degrees vs you bought it already cold and put it in there at 40 degrees? It's easier to keep it cold than get it cold. At least that is my belief. Also, pretty much all of the race teams do it and they don't deal in dyno's and theoretical stuff, they deal in what wins races, period. So if they think it works and see differences than it probably does.
I swapped it out too and I do think it helped. Looks like you got the same results.
P.S. As per the loading the pictures sideways, are you using a Mac? When I use my IPad they sometimes load sideways or upside down but are always fine with my PC.