Sorry if this has already been posted, but I haven't seen it posted here
Sorry if this has already been posted, but I haven't seen it posted here
Have not seen it in months-still a joy to watch!! Seeing I'm snowed in for a bit till traffic subsides a little- it's nice to view ANYTHING Viper!!!
Love those Duke boys and their love for the Dodge product.
It came out last year, good video .
Still love it.
Cool video.
I somehow missed that one last year....awesome! Thanks for posting
On youtube that video segues into a "behind the scenes" video showing how the commercial was made:
I love it. Love seeing the old dukes, and the new viper. It gave me goosebumps much like the new star wars trailer did![]()
Last edited by Darth Menace; 03-03-2015 at 11:24 PM.
Went to a car show this summer and as I pulled in I drove right past a charger painted up as the General lee. The owner calls to me, "Hey, wanna race?" An I reply, "What, haven't you seen that commercial?" We both laughed.
I grew up on that show. I still have my general lee toys from when I was a kid. If I had an orange Viper (any gen) I would totally slap an 01 on it.
Did they use a TA for that or just paint a Gen V competition Orange?