UPDATED - 2015 Viper Club Christmas Dinner - PRICES ADDED BELOW
Saturday 12th December 2015 at The Dolphin in St. Ives, Cambridgeshire - see menu below.
The Dolphin Hotel is provisionally booked for 30 places – cost will be £38 per head for a carvery dinner - concessionary room rates if you want to stay overnight.
Payment will be required first week in October - in the meantime, add your name/s below and think about your menu options.
In summary:-
• Xmas dinner (carvery) at The Dolphin Hotel, St.Ives, Cambridgeshire
• Saturday 12th December
• £38 per person
• Music/dancing to follow (if you wish to stay up late)
• Menu below
• Concessionary rate for overnight stay, £80 B&B twin/double standard
Attendees so far:
Name/s Stay at Hotel
Adrian Yes
kev/anna no
Mark/+1 Yes