So I finally got my insurance money for our burnt up '05 Copperhead and I've been shopping for what I'd like next with a more serious attitude now that money is in hand. As expected many sellers/dealers have cars made out of iridium and are pricing themselves out of my market. I have a solid offer for a Gen III Vert for well under 40k with quite low miles. It is just not what I want color wise but I am usually function over form. I'm not willing to spend close to 50k or 10k more for a Gen III coupe when I can have a Gen IV Coupe for not much more than that. In fact there are some very convincing Gen IV deals out there. I feel I'm a reasonable guy looking for a reasonable option. I think everyone's loot is going towards the Gen Vs for good reason.
So if anyone has a Gen III coupe or anything interesting for 40-45k I'd love to hear about it. I would listen to Gen IV deals but like I said I have some pretty interesting offers already so they would need to be pretty good!