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  1. #1

    To use header heat sheilds or not?

    I have a gen 3 putting on gen 4 heads and M&M headers. Question is should I put heat sheilds on? I have read both ways... Street car does not need them just track cars. Then the next post I read its both need them.

    The car will only be a street car but push 600+Whp. I love the chrome look the headers came as but, if I have to hide them to keep from melting stuff I have no problem doing so.


  2. #2
    If the headers are not coated for heat control then maybe, if they are then no need.

  3. #3
    Put them on!!, wiring harness is to close on the driver side, i just put american racing headers on, and put the shields back on, sucks to cover up the nice headers but rather not have melted wires over looks

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Tucson, Arizona
    I thought that AR Headers required heat shields because they were NOT coated. Coated headers is fine. That was what I learned when researching for my own exhaust.

  5. #5
    Ditch your shields and get your headers ceramic coated. It'll improve performance too.

  6. #6
    the M&M headers I bought are Ceramic coated

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by cgstealth View Post
    the M&M headers I bought are Ceramic coated
    Wot, chrome look ceramic coating? I have Gen 3 ceramic coated headers with Gen 3 heads on my Gen 2 (still with me) but the last thing I'd call them is 'chrome looking' You don't need the heat shields - I fretted over do I don't I for ages but after experience running with my current setup, the dilemma just disappeared

  8. #8
    My ARH headers are not ceramic coated

  9. #9

    Yes "chrome" looking ceramic coating lol

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by cgstealth View Post

    Yes "chrome" looking ceramic coating lol
    I've been running Belanger headers for 20K miles without shields on my GenII. No melted wires or parts or issues. I can't imagine running un-coated headers in any Gen Viper. I've seen un-coated headers in a GenIII melt parts but that was more of engine issue than header issue. Looking at my GenV engine bay, I can't imagine running headers without shields. Too much too close to the headers in the GenV engine bay. Not sure if that's the case on the GenIII or GenIV. Do whatever Matt @ M&M suggests.

    If you're going to put the stock heat shields on make sure they clear the primaries. Don't force them on or scratch the coating. It will begin to crack and flake off as the heat shields rub against the primaries and dig into the coating. Not sure how GenIII/IV OEM shields fit but the GenII heat shields do not fit without taking a rubber mallet to them and, even then they're too small and look like shit.

    Matt does nice work. I'm particularly fond of the 3/8" thick flanges.
    Last edited by ViperTony; 02-15-2015 at 08:20 PM.



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