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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    North Carolina

    2015 Carolinas VOA Tentavive Schedule of Events!!!

    Here we go folks!

    2015 Carolinas VOA Tentative Event Schedule

    February 21st – Carolinas VOA Dyno Day in Raleigh, NC AND Zone Luncheons
    Blow the dust off your Vipers folks! To start the new year, we are kicking off THREE events throughout our region! A FREE Dyno Day being held at Mayhem Motorsports in Raleigh, NC on Saturday, February 21, 2015 from 10:00am - 4:00pm. We will have exclusive access to their Dyno for 6 full hours of unlimited runs and FREE lunch! Patrick, our Western Zone Director will be hosting a FREE luncheon in the Charlotte area for members. Kristian from our South Carolina region will be hosting a FREE luncheon in the Charleston area. Yes, everything is FREE to Carolina VOA Members!!! (CANCELLED DUE TO ICE AND POOR WEATHER CONDITIONS)

    March 21st – “Get Your Motor Running V 2.0, Detail Clinic, and Dinner!”, Raleigh, NC
    Thank you to all that participated in the voting for this event. The results were split for a maintenance day / detail clinic so we’ve found a way to host BOTH!!! Once again, I’ll be hosting a maintenance day at my home for fluid changes on your Viper, or just come over and hang out! We will have access to two lifts and the necessary equipment to change out your oil, diff, tranny, and clutch fluid! Afterward, we’ll head over to a member Hap Merritt’s detail shop for some instruction on proper washing, polishing, waxing, scratch and swirl removing, etc. Lastly, we’ll gather for dinner at a nearby restaurant. For those coming from afar, several members have guest rooms if anyone wishes to spend the night and drive home Sunday. UPDATE: What a great time! Photos can be viewed here:!!!/page3

    May 2nd - 3rd – Vipers Invade Wilmington, NC
    We’ll slither to Wilmington Cars & Coffee, enjoy lunch, take a scenic cruise, and then visit a member’s home who has graciously offered to host a Barbeque meal for us! We will also provide hotel options this year for those who wish to stay an additional day to enjoy the beach or other Wilmington attractions.

    May 28th – 31st – Tail of the Dragon, Gatlinburg, TN (
    Okay, you cannot miss this one!!! PLEASE mark your calendars for one of the ultimate events of the year! Our region is co-hosting the Tail of the Dragon event this year along with our friends from Alabama / Tennessee. We had over 75 Vipers in attendance last year!!! The Tail of the Dragon is considered by many as one of the world's foremost motorcycling and sports car roads. Anyone looking for an exciting drive will enjoy this stretch of US129 with 318 curves in 11 miles! Driving isn’t the only event on the venue. We’ll also enjoy the attractions of Gatlinburg, lunches, dinners, nightlife, and endless FUN! This will be a LONG weekend event so please mark your calendars and arrange time off if you plan to be present for the entire event! This is also a National VOA “Bucket List” event this year so we are expecting at least 100 Vipers!!! This will be an event you will NEVER forget. Registration will be opening NEXT WEEK so keep your eyes peeled for the announcement your Inbox over the next few days!

    July 18th – Raleigh Cars & Coffee / Capital Chrysler Dodge Jeep Viper Show and FREE Lunch (provided by Captial CCDJR!)
    We will attend Raleigh Cars & Coffee in the morning and we have been generously invited to Capital Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram in Garner, NC for a Viper car show and a FREE picnic lunch! Capital CDJR is a VOA National Sponsor, Carolinas VOA Regional Sponsor, and we are very fortunate to have them integrated with our club! They are a class act dealership!

    August 14th -16th – Mopars at the Beach, Myrtle Beach, SC - (
    Once again, Mopar Week kicks off for the fourth year with events in and around the Myrtle Beach area of South Carolina. Some of the locations of Mopar Week events will be Hard Rock Cafe, Hooters NMB, the Carolina Tavern, Myrtle Beach Speedway, Wheels of Yesteryear, Inlet Square Mall and other places in and around the Grand Stand area. Members are more than welcome to attend the entire Mopar Week, but the main event is on Saturday so we will focus on getting a block of rooms for Friday-Sunday.

    September – 12th – Gregory Vineyards - Angier, NC - (
    We will visit Gregory Vineyards for some wine tasting and participate in an exciting murder mystery dinner.

    October 2nd - 4th - Vipers Invade Charleston – Charleston, SC
    Our Vipers will storm Charleston Cars & Coffee in the morning. Afterward, we’ll enjoy lunch at a local restaurant, and then head over to Patriot’s Point to tour the battleship, aircraft carrier and/or submarine. Then, we’ll take a scenic drive to Mepkin Plantation, meet for dinner, and then possibly do some go carting! Discounted group hotel accommodations will also be announced for Friday and Saturday night.

    November 21st – Carolinas VOA Annual Holiday Party, Asheville, NC
    This year we will be hosting our annual Holiday Party in the heart of Asheville, NC! Many of us have seen the Biltmore Mansion during our past visits. However, this year will be a little different as we will participate in an evening candlelight tour of the mansion to see the mansion decorated in full glory with Christmas lights! Afterward, we will enjoy dinner and we have a couple other fun activities in store. Discounted group hotel accommodations will also be provided.
    Last edited by Brian GTS; 06-16-2015 at 01:10 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Looks like another great year of events for the Carolinas Region. Hap thanks for volunteering your time, expertise, and shop to show us how to restore our older and how to keep our newer Vipers looking great. For those that have been to the Biltmore House before but have not been during the Christmas season, you will be highly impressed with the lights and decorations throughout the residence - the Christmas tree rivals the one at the White House. ToD can't say enough...probable the best VOA event all year for any of the regions. Brian, Mike, Craig, and Patrick thanks for you time with these events.


    Great selection for the Holiday party...really close to home.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    North Carolina
    Action-packed year ahead!. Jeff, thank you for your leadership with the coins and helping with events.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Cameron, NC
    Just a few other MOPAR dates to remember (not related to VOA event schedule):

    March 21, 2015 Tilted Kilt Charlotte Annual all MOPAR show.
    April 4, 2015 MOPARS at the Rock, Rockingham
    May 22-24, 2015 Maggie Valley MOPAR and Hawg rally

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    St Augustine
    hopefully I can make more events this year!.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Bonaire, GA
    Thank you to everyone who has spent time putting all these events together.

  7. #7
    You guys are all doing a fine job!



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