Emailed, but forgot to make a post to all the IL region gang who may visit our forums. As the new year begins, we find our place in a new home - in AZ. After a long road, this has been my final year as IL president. This departure goes even deeper for Kristina and I as we're also physically moving out of state to Arizona. Lots of wonderful things happening and on the horizon for us, but it's bitter sweet since we have to say goodbye to the IL Region club completely.

As we shift into a much easier gear in our work and social life, the ironic thing is that we would have loved to take advantage of the club now as regular "members"! I envisioned my last day as President being much more joyous than this. With all the work we've invested and responsibilities over the years, I’d love to shout “good luck with all that!” as I pin the peddle, but I instead leave with much more sadness as we also separate from the PEOPLE we’ve shared experiences with over so many years. As much as my wife and I are very excited for the future, leaving isn’t as easy as I wanted it to be. This club is truly a "once in a lifetime" situation. I've been part of the club since I was 19 (yes I still have all my badges starting from the first year!). We have so many best friends and acquaintances we would have never had if it wasn't for the club. There have been so many memories we've created, many tied to some really interesting events and activities we've been privileged to attend. The club has changed our life profoundly.

I want to thank all the new officers who stepped up to fill various roles. I wish your new President, Rob Buckman, the best on leading the club. Eric Ludewig will also be replacing Kristina as Secretary. I know you're in competent hands with the new officers. The fun will indeed continue.

This is a good group, there's none other like it. Cherish it and protect it! Take care of yourselves and take the time to enjoy every part of those memories, and keep the levity going! Reflecting back, it's the thing I'll miss most, I never laughed so hard as the times I was with this group. So with that thought in mind – if you do glimpse a freshly laid set of wide tire tracks with a car leaving Illinois at an obscenely high velocity – you’ll know it was me… and if you listen closely you might just hear me saying - “Good luck with ALL THAT”!!! ;.)

Take care my friends! I'm sure we will see each other again!