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  1. #26
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Chandler, AZ
    One sold for $56 on eBay last week.

  2. #27
    VOA Mamba Member
    since 2013

    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Sunny Scottsdale Arizona!
    Quote Originally Posted by LifeIsGood View Post
    I once brought a signed copy to my local Viper Club Holiday event as a gift. A troglodyte picked my gift out of the pile and opened it. I told them it was autographed by Maurice. He said 'Maurice Who?'

    Your Welcome...dip shit.
    OMG that made me laugh.

    Made me think - I have pretty much every Viper book written. When I die, they'll be going through my stuff - and toss them because they're old. : )

  3. #28
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Trois-Rivieres (QC)
    I'm in the process of buying a Gen I Viper and I just found this thread... There seems to be nowhere that I can find a buyer's guide. I know the head gaskets are known to leak on these cars. What else? Does it only leak from outside or it can leak inside the cylinders? I own a ZR-1 and a RX-7 and both cars got buyer's guides all over the places on different websites... But nothing online for the Viper. Hmmmm.

  4. #29
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Chandler, AZ
    Quote Originally Posted by MuRCieLaGo View Post
    I'm in the process of buying a Gen I Viper and I just found this thread... There seems to be nowhere that I can find a buyer's guide. I know the head gaskets are known to leak on these cars. What else? Does it only leak from outside or it can leak inside the cylinders?
    The buyer's guide book is out of print. I assume because there is not a big enough market to cover the cost of printing, distributing, and selling. There are lots of threads about what to look for when buying the various generation Vipers. Such as

  5. #30
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    You could also call someone with a long Viper history, strong club/forum history, access to real Viper Techs and spend a little time discussing the Viper BEFORE you commit to a purchase or a series of dead end explorations. A thorough "schooling up" on Vipers can/will save you from a lot of grief over the long haul. There are many regional folks out there who are willing and able to assist prospective buyers.
    Last edited by Steve-Indy; 03-11-2017 at 06:12 PM.

  6. #31
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Zionsville, IN
    Steve is right, find yourself a "buyer's guy" instead of a "buyer's guide"!


  7. #32
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    In my experience, one of the first and best moves is to contact your local club...easily done here by those who list location. In my own Region, we try to stay in touch with each other...noting that many, many excellent pre-owned Vipers have moved about between Members and/or gone to folks across the nation (some out of country) to happy buyers...primarily because they are known and vetted.

    Also, one can call honorable, respected, trusted Viper dealers/site supporters such as Bill Pemberton at Woodhouse and John Gastman at Roanoke.

    Both of the above mechanisms can be used to widen the net for GOOD Vipers.

    One of the most common ( and biggest crap shoots in my opinion) comes from interstate purchases from unknown sources.

    Best of luck with your hunt, MuRCieLaGo.

  8. #33
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Trois-Rivieres (QC)
    Well thanks for your advices guys, but unfortunately there's nothing like "local clubs" here within 500 miles. I live in Eastern Quebec. I think I will maybe create a new thread with all my questions...

  9. #34
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Feel free to call me to discuss your concerns, aspirations, and the specific idiosyncrasies of the various generations is Vipers. Many have this knowledge, but not everyone follows the forums or has the time to devote to such a discussion. Fortunately, I'm retired and speak with Viper owners many times per week.

  10. #35
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Trois-Rivieres (QC)
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve-Indy View Post
    Feel free to call me to discuss your concerns, aspirations, and the specific idiosyncrasies of the various generations is Vipers. Many have this knowledge, but not everyone follows the forums or has the time to devote to such a discussion. Fortunately, I'm retired and speak with Viper owners many times per week.
    I really appreciate it. I just started a new thread. I've seen your phone number somewhere while searching, if I got a concern that I would like to talk about I will call you! Thanks a lot!

  11. #36
    WOW really.....

    I got one signed by
    Maurice Laing
    Ralph Giles
    Herbert Helbig
    Chuck Tator
    John Donato
    Dominic Farmbacher
    And a few others ...

    Will dig it out..


    Also got the Leather Gen V book signed by
    Maurice Laing
    Ralph Giles
    And the Gen V designer ... forgot his name sorry...

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